Note (Dragon Ball Heroes/Super Dragon Ball Heores)
Today this here at the request of some and other things I did this mod that is basically the female character Avatar Saiyan "Note" exeptuando obviously to "Viola" and "Forte" is character comes from the game "Dragon Ball Heroes" and "Super Dragon Ball Heroes "and I did a good job but a part of this credit must be for" Ysbag "for giving me permission to use their resources that I had previously made this character use these resources a lot but I did not want to just add a suit and go, do not take more by adding the rest of suits exeptuando one and even added a costume of a fan art of a "Note Black" if you want to see the illustrations of the costumes Note plus the fanart add the forum link to the right, also has a custom moveset and some custom abilities like the "Hyper Masenko" but it is not finished yet it works well and does not fail to hurt the opponent but that and without further ado I leave you with the mod that you enjoy
Hoy esto aqui por peticion de algunos y otras cosas hice este mod que es basicamente el personaje Avatar Femenino Saiyan "Note" exeptuando obviamente a "Viola" y "Forte" es personaje viene del juego "Dragon Ball Heroes" y "Super Dragon Ball Heroes" y hice un buen trabajo pero una parte de este credito debe ser para "Ysbag" por darme permiso a usar sus recursos que previamente el ya habia echo de este personaje use estos recursos bastante pero no quise solo agregar un traje y listo, no lo lleve a más agregando el resto de trajes exeptuando uno e incluso añadi un traje de un fan art de una "Note Black" si quieren ver las ilustraciones de los trajes de Note mas el de fanart añadire el link del forum a la derecha, tambien posee un moveset personalizado y algunas habilidades personalizadas como el "Hyper Masenko" pero no esta terminada aun asi funciona bien e no falla al hacer daño al oponente pero eso y sin más preambulos los dejo con el mod que lo disfruten
Skills used by "Note" that I found
Flight, Kamehameha, Friend Kamehameha, Super Kamehameha, Full Power Energy Wave, Masenko, Hyper Masenko, Galick Gun, Final Flash, Dragon Fist
Custom Skills "Note"
Hyper Masenko (Ki Cost: 400)
As I mentioned earlier this skill is not complete but it works as it should be, this ability does enough as a "Super Kamehameha Rosé" or the "Godly Display"
Unleashed Deadly Dance (Ki Cost: 200)
An improved version of the Deadly Dance attack, doing more damage and consuming a bit more ki than the first version
Note: The Color is the one that corresponds now, this ability was originally created for "Caululi"
X2/X4/X6 Waves Ki Senko (Ki Cost: 100/200/300)
This skill will throw 2, 4 and up to 6 waves of ki loaded with enough power powered by the kaioken
Kaioken Masenko (Ki Cost: 200)
It works like the original masenko but this one does more damage by being powered by the kaioken
Heavenly Perfect Shot (Ki Cost: 300)
It does massive damage to any opponent if you hit, this skill uses different resources but works well is a "Perfect Shot" but improved
Black Kamehameha (Ki Cost: 100)
The color is like that of Black Kamehameha Kaioken who believes for "Black Goku (Female)" this version is less powerful than that but the colors are correct
Dark Red Energy Sword (Ki Cost: 400)
Attack with an ultra-powerful sword made of Ki!
Note: This version does not need to give the target to make the full attack and it protects you from any attack and if the opponent approaches it is the worst idea you will ever do, originally this ability was created for "Towifla" but modify it to do this now
Burst Kamehameha Rosé (Ki Cost: 200) + (200 for reactivation)
It works like the burst kamehameha but it does more damage and has the right colors
Sudden Death Beam II (Ki Cost: 200) + (200 for reactivation)
This version attacks the enemy and does not need a counterattack to work and do more damage and can be launched up to 2 times if it finds the right moment
Hyper Kamehameha Rosé (Ki Cost: 400)
It's the "Super Kamehameha Rosé 2" but I changed the name to "Hyper Kamehameha Rose" it does massive damage against any character
Ysbag Permission
New Transformations (Added Skills)
Ysbag for Resources
Eternity for Tools
lazybone for
Olganix And Dario for Xenoviewer V2
Olganix for EmdFbx And FbxEmd
Olganix , Dario And Mugen for XenoXmlConverter
Olganix For EanOrganizer
Just use X2M installer eternity tool;
-Several Tests
-Custom Moveset
-Custom Skills (No, Alls) (I mean there are personalized skills that I had created, as I put for example the "Heavenly cuts created for Gine" and the "dark dragon fist created for Towifla" to that I mean "No, Alls")
-Release Note (DBH/SDBH) (14 Slots)
Puedes hacer los trajes para Cac pofavo? xd