Note’s Second Outfit (X2M)

TO ANYONE WONDERING: My online name is Ryz. I made this account using my google account because at the time the register system was buggy. Didn't feel like making a new account. That's why the mod author says ryz and the files say ryz.
To anyone using tail files: if you're using the tail and the tail appears long and malformed, I have no idea what causes this, here is the fix.You need WinRar. Extract TailFiles.x2m, drag the x2m into an open WinRar window, double click data folder, then extract the HUF, CMN, and SYF files to the Data folder in your game directory.
This is an X2M version of ysbag's Note outfit. I have two versions of this. One with animated tail and one without.
You need Etenerity's patcher and installer.
If you ask a question like "how do I install this?" I will ignore it.
One thing I plan on doing is provided I get permission from various people, is make X2M versions of popular and obscure outfits that don't have one yet.
I'm also gonna release a pack of animated tails added to various vanilla outfits. I know there's a tail mod already for this game, but from what I could gather it doesn't transform properly and the female tail is just like the SS4 tails. My female tail is based on kid goku's so its a little more feminine.
Finally, I made Note's hair and the tail version work with lazybone's transformations, so if I get permission from him I'll upload that.
Buy price is 1000
Sell price is 5o0
Stats are the same as Uniform
Thats about all I have to say.
Etenerity for the costume creator and mod installer.
Ysbag for giving me permission to use his Note outfit for this mod.
And the entire modding community for being so cool and making great tools, mods, and other things.
Olganix for EskOrganizer and EanOrganizer
Extract NotesSecondOutfiFixV2.x2m, NotesSecondOutfitTail.x2m and TailFiles.x2m
Install with mod installer.
It shouldn't matter, but install TailFiles.x2m first.
1.0: initial release
1.1: added animated tail.
1.2: required tail files are now a separate X2M, install that first, fixed problem with disappearing when boosting, hopefully fixed a problem with lazybone's transformations.
1.21: Fixed an oversight by me that made the tail and non-tailed variants be the same.
1.22: Fixed another oversight by me that included my entire tail accessory project files with the TailFiles.x2m. That's all thats been changed. If you don't use the tail you don't have to redownload.
1.3: Fixed tail problem. Tail works perfectly. This mod should be finished now.