One Inch Punch!

It's been quite a while since my last mod! I've been feeling a bit burnt with Xenoverse 2 and in need of a break, but I've been working on some things here and there. This skill is a straightforward offensive version of Super God Shock Flash, but with the added benefit of breaking through an opponent's guard (similar to Shockwave). It's a little overpowered, but I tried to scale it within reason. It is usable by all CaCs (yes, even Male Majins) and some cast characters as well (I did not test with every character, but to my knowledge it should work).
You do not need permission to use this with other mods, but credit is appreciated.
Install the X2M file using Eternity's XV2 Installer.
v1.0- Initial release
Can you make a recolor and have the same beginning animation as the Super God Shock Flash? Like the camera and such.
Could you release a recolor pack of this? I think a red one would go hard
I agree