Orange Namekian and Potential Unlocked Yellow Namekian Transformation + Giant Orange Namekian

Hello, and thank you for downloading my first mod! Updated 09/27/22: now with giant transformation!
This mod is an awoken skill for Namekians to give you Potential Unleashed (Yellow) giving you access to the Yellow Namekian form, and then taking it further with the Orange Namekian transformation for your CaC.
Inspired by the new Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, this transformation allows your Namekian Creat a Characters access the full extent of their power just like Piccolo and change to Yellow and finally Orange. This gives your Namekian a power boost similar to Super Saiyan Blue Evolved (from Lazybones mod) and allows your CaC to become a beast to be reckoned with.
Upon transforming, not only will your skin and pads change color, but you shall lose your lining and don Piccolo's purple and red Demon Gi. Then take your power to its maximum and unlock the power of the Orange Namekian, and you think your clothes beam is working better now to where your Demon Gi displayed the symbol representing the pride of Namek.
There are now two additional alternate x2ms that you could install that have different outfits for the transformations. One of them uses traditional Frieza Force/Saiyan armor, and the other uses traditional Namekian Garb. Both of which include the Pride of Namek symbol on the back of their chest pieces.
As of 09/27/2022, there is now also a second skill included in this pack: Giant Orange Namekian. THIS SKILL IS NOT AN ADDITION TO THE CURRENT SKILL SET AND IS ITS OWN SKILL. This skill functions just like "Become Giant" in the base game, except it uses the partset that you have installed for the base mod, as well as it is buffed a bit more to reflect how Piccolo shows off the form in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Try not to go too wild with this transformation, and if you're ever feeling tired, maybe just hold still for a few moments. (As a side note, you must have a vase version of this mod installed for this to work. See the Readme for more info)
This mod also comes included with a CaC x2m character file for you to try the skill out on, Hammerain. An albino Namekian, whose insecurities have led to his potential manifesting in a visually unique way.
Currently, this mod simply transforms you from your base form to the Yellow form giving you the basic Demon Gi (or one of the alt outfits), to the Orange form which now proudly displays the Pride of Namek logo. I have plans to figure out how to add Giant Namekian to this mod, but this is my first time modding so I am kinda learning as I go. Be sure to watch for updates in the near future! (Updated 09/27/2022)
NOTE: Some of the screenshots include the coloration from the Hamerain variation of the mod. the basic version of the mod features traditional colors.
Huge shoutout to Heboy for the original mod this was built on top of “Potential Unleashed (Yellow Namekian)” It's a super great mod and one that I think complements this one a lot so I would totally go check it out.
Also huge shoutout to ShatteredIllusions for the color pallet used for the skin colors in both variations and the pad colors used in the second variation. It really helped me be able to make this feel legit. Go check out their “Awoken Namekians” mod!
Also as a note, as this is my first mod, it is a project that I am attempting to work on myself. If you want to use my mod as a part of your mod, please contact me first so I can be aware of it beforehand.
To install this mod, simply choose one of the four "Orange_XXX.x2m” files as well as the "Giant Orange Namekian.x2m" file and install them using your XV2 Mod Installer program as normal. Do not install any of the “Partset” x2m’s unless only installing the Giant skill and not a base skill, otherwise these are for internal file use.
To install the character, install character x2m.
To change any in-game appearance settings, see the first README file.
v1.1 uploaded the mod. Can change into Yellow and Orange Namekian states with basic Purple and Red Demon Gi. Also includes Hamerain - Time Patroller CaC x2m
v1.2 Updated the models to now include the Pride of Namek logo on the back of the Demon Gi. Also changed the coloration of the arms to a darker orange and the lining on the pads to red to more closely match the colors of Orange Piccolo from the movie.
v1.3 Updated the mod to now include two additional variants of the mod. One of them features the transformation changing you into traditional Frieza Force/Saiyan armor (Nappa armor) with its original colors intact and no tail. The other features a more traditional Namekian outfit inspired by Nail that keeps only the pants and boots on as well as wrist cuffs. Both of these include the Pride of Namek logo on the backs, the armor features the logo across the four armor plates, while the Namekian garb has the logo appear as more of a tattoo on your back changing the pigment on your skin.
v1.3.1 Updated the mod to now include a secondary skill "Giant Orange Namekian" That allows you to become giant with the Orange Namekian buffs and outfit of your choice. For more details check the ReadMe file.
great mod thx i wanted this for a namek cac
gonna update for revamp?
Whenever I try to download this mod it sends me to a google drive page. And that says it couldn’t preview file. What do I do?
Just click “Download”, it’s just telling you it can’t show you a preview because the file is too big
All files did the same clothing transformation – to the traditional purple namekian outfit.
The shirtless, and Frieza/Saiyan ones all did the purple demon outfit.
Is there updated files ora step I missed?
Why is there a change of clothes during the transformation?
Heya man, great mod. Just wondering if you can help me out a bit with my outfit.
I got my CAC’s facial features added to work in both new forms, but any time I try to add my outfit, it crashes as soon as I transform. Any tips for swapping outfits that aren’t already listed in the readme? Or any plans to update in the future? I’ve been trying to learn for a few hours now. For reference my Cac is just wearing the complete Narak Warrior’s Costume Set in all black
Why the Orange form isn’t bulkier?
Can you help me?
because when I transform, my clothes always change even if I am in a different transformation. Sorry for my English :I
Great mod, my only small complaint is the pants on the shirtless Namekian stylistically clash with the rest of Xenoverse 2’s default graphics. Wasn’t sure if there was maybe a way to change this, I read through the Readmes and tried moving some files around but I couldn’t figure it out.
Dude, can you help me?
I wanted to know how to change the clothes, leave the ones I use when I transform, looking on the net I found a guy who made the Yellow and Orange molds available, but I wanted to know how to put the clothes in them
I am sorry to bother you again, but I noticed that the exposed muscles and on my character, the scar over his eye changes color when I transform. What did you do to cause that and how do I change it? I checked all of the dyt files and none of them are connected to those parts.
Hello, I’m having problems with changing the files into the ones that my CAC has… Probably because I don’t have any experience doing these things.
I’ve managed to make visible in-game transformation the files that I want (specifically the chin), but I am struggling with giving them the right color. Following the README file, I’ve managed to export the .emm and .emd files into XML files, but I am not finding any tool, program or tutorial to transform the .emb file into a folder. Also, I don’t quite know how to do the recolor in the .dyt file (the next step).
It would be very helpful if you explain me how to do these things, or at least tell me the programs that I should be using. This thread would be helpful for other people without knowledge like me I think.
Regardless, I think it’s a very cool mod, I like it a lot
o mod está incrivel.
Is it possible to do something like ssj4, changing only the upper part of the body while the lower part remains with the same clothes as before, similar to namekian clothing?
(sorry for my english, i don’t speak it natively)
Please new version for 1.18. If you do, I swear you’ll make me happy all month!!!
Idk if im going to say something stupid. But you can’t apply the transformation to any clothes using the same system that Golden Form for Frieza Race has? I don’t have modding knowledge but I don’t see why you can’t use the same system
Anyways this is a great mod
You’ve done it, my wish and dream is fulfilled. I thank you from the bottom of my heart
I follow your instructions to a T on how to make use this mod but with my colors of choice and my namekian parts but when i transform after doing the SKIN to POUN my game freezes and crashes any advice?
hmm, not fully sure. did you check to make sure that it worked before trying to change anything? Also do you mean it has an infinite loading screen or it like closes itself crashes?
Dude, the mod is very good, it’s not one of the best I’ve seen, but for someone who is starting it’s very good, but could you remove this option to change the costumes?
As mentioned in the comments above yours, unfortunately, due to the way Namekians work in the game, that is just not realistically possible. To do that one would have to make new dyt, emb, emd, & emm files for every piece of armor in the game and then you would have to pick what you are currently wearing as options for the mod. I would love to have a version that isn’t limited to three costumes, but I don’t have the energy or want to make versions for every piece of armor in the game right now.
Congratulations on the mod, you did very well I loved it, but it’s possible that it’s just a transformation without adding Picolo’s clothes because I was wearing a different outfit than his, you know, I was in armor, so I went to his clothes . Of course, as a newbie, I understand but thank you already for making this mod
as mentioned above, unfortunately, its not something that can be done really. In order to do so, you would have to build a version of the mod with every article of clothing in mind due to the skin of a Namekian being part of their clothing selection. Likely just an oversight that wouldn’t have been thought of since this wasn’t a transformation idea when Xenoverse 2 was developed and hence why it’s such a problem for this type of mod. I am trying to get a version put out with more outfit options, but it would still be rather limited due to the nature of it being limited like that and I don’t have the time or energy to make Yellow and Orange Namekian versions of every outfit in the game.
I understand very well I’m already using Picolo’s clothes lol it doesn’t get weird it’s because the armor I was wearing was a mod lol then I understand the difficulty but thank you for your attention. I hadn’t seen the above comment and noticed when I sent the message. Thanks for making this mod besides answering. Keep up the great work
no hate its a great mod i just wish that our costumes didnt switch to piccolos everytime we transformed
Yeah, unfortunately with the way that Namekians work it is a case of no matter what you do, you will be stuck with having to change to another outfit. With the one picked especially the bust and boots have the skin showing those have to be changed to a model that will be what it always becomes and at that point you might as well go the full outfit. I am updating the mod right now so that in orange form it has the logo as well to make it feel a bit more legit, but I’m going to look into having more outfit options at least but for right now until I have the rest of it complete its going to be just stuck with the one.
Nice work! never thought i would have made something the community would use and run with
I totally get ya! Your mod is already really well made and I mean what I said that I think having both of them in tandem with each other can make for some really thematic Namekians ^-^
I do look forward to your other mods in the future as well!
im too busy to mod maybe in the future when im not so busy but anyways i agree 100% can’t wait to see more mods from you too
I’d love to see the logo on the back and the change in size, but overall it’s very well made. Thanks for uploading this! ^_^
Oh absolutely! The other things are for sure QoL things and that’s why I didn’t wait till I figured them out to upload the mod itself. I figured people would appreciate having access to a mod able to do both transformations if nothing else!