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This is the beta version of the form that will be seen/implemented somehow in the future of DBXV2 Expanded's releases.

This form is used by Gogeta in the Super DragonBall Heroes promotional anime, with little explaination to its origins other than what seems like miscommunication between staff members. This form is a fine addition to "The God Master" modpack, and I highly suggest downloading.

This form has a lower Ki cost compared to regular SSGSSE (reduced by 2 bars of Ki, making its cost at 3 bars.) as well as no Ki drain when using the form. This form also has around double the strength and defense as SSGSSE, to sort replicate the fact that this unique form comes from a fused warrior. (The Beta version is nerfed a little, so that once you get the full version, it feels as if you mastered the form!) Once the full transformation is released in a future modpack made by Expanded, it will overwrite the Beta version, and update with un-nerfed stats, etc.

Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoyed this mod! I look forward to making more content, especially with the amazing Expanded team!

Before you install this mod, please install "The God Master" pack from DBXV2 Expanded, or the aura will not work. Afterwards, you can simply install through installing the x2m into your x2m Mod Installer (which should have its own folder in game directory). Buy from the Skill Shop in Conton City for 1 Zeni and enjoy!

  • 1.0: Mod uploaded to Xenoverse Mods
  • 7Mods
  • 1Followers

(Beta) 1.0
September 6, 2023


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  • 7Mods
  • 1Followers

(Beta) 1.0
September 6, 2023

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