Ponytail Trunks Inspired

I have recently made a patreon if you are at all interested in supporting my modding endeavors. New to this type of thing so really a gauge of interest.
I saw many versions of this Ponytail all had some issue here and there. So decided to make my own. Used assets from DBL and for the first time made my own models from scratch with custom uv mapping and emb. Still not perfect but goes up to ssj3. I though it was common knowledge but if you are trying to use the hairstyles with ponytails you must either edit to transformation to force a hair color or edit the .dyt before dragging in.
drag and drop
Is this compatible with HUF/SYF?
hey, I’m having issues with my hair fir ssj1-2 staying in base, but it changes correctly for ssj3 any thoughts?
Hey could you upload the SSJ3 ponytail as a base colourable hair?, that would be awesome
Hey bruh can i use the ssj3 as my base hair?
rename the files didn’t worked 🙁
mod newbie here, how can i add this without replacing a hair im already using?
just change the id for example: the hair that you’re using is 2
rename that hair’s file to any number just to name it (_HUM_1 or 2)
if ya didnt understand just look for a tutorial in youtube
Is the hair colorable
very good