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Portraits (All Portraits of the Game)

All Oficial Portraits (Vanilla)


It has some portraits made by me:

Goku (Damaged Gi)[Black Saga] SS1, SS2, SS3

( / / / )

Ginyu (Goku) SS1

( )

Vegeta SS1 (Damaged Battle Suit)

( )

Vegeta SSB (Damaged Battle Suit)

( )

Ginyu (Trunks) SS1

( )

Ginyu (Vegeta) SS1

( )



Gogeta Base/SS1

( / )


I made this section for those who do not know where the Portraits of the original game are located ..

and for those interested in that:

C:/.../DB Xenoverse 2/cpk/data1/data/ui/texture

C:/.../DB Xenoverse 2/cpk/data2/data/ui/texture


Portraits Name (ID)

APL - Appule

BAT - Burter

BDK - Bardock

BJK - Bojack

BLS - Bills

BRL - Broly

BUL - Majin Buu (Fat) Little

BUM - Super Buu

BUS - Kid Buu

BUU - Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed)

BUZ - Majin Buu (Fat)

CAB - Cabba / Kyabe

CL1 - Cell (1st Form)

CL3 - Perfect Cell

CL4 - Super Perfect Cell

CLJ - Cell Jr

CMP - Champa

CO2 - Cooler Final Form

COL - Metal Cooler

DBR - Dabura

DDR - Dodoria

DMG - Demon God Demigra

DM2 - Demon God Demigra - Demon Form

FR4 - Frieza Final Form

FR5 - Frieza Final Form Full Power

FRS - Frost

FRZ - Frieza 1st Form

FUU - Fuu

G13 - Android 13

G16 - Android 16

G17 - Android 17

G18 - Android 18

GBR - Goku Black Super Saiyan Rose

GFR - Golden Frieza

GG0 - Gogeta

GG1 - Gogeta Super Saiyan

GGK - Goku Super Saiyan Blue (SSGSS)

GGT - Gogeta Super Saiyan 4

GHF - Gohan (Future)

GHL - Gohan (Adult)

GHM - Gohan (Teen)

GHS - Gohan (Kid)

GK4 - Goku Super Saiyan 4

GKB - Goku Black

GKG - Goku GT

GKS - Goku Ultra Instinct (UI)

GNY - Ginyu

GOD - Goku Super Saiyan God

GOK - Goku

GRD - Gurdo / Guldo

GTG - Goten

GTX - Gotenks

GVG - Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue (SSGSS)

HIT / HIK - Hit

JCO - Jaco

JES - Jeice

JNB / JNG - Janemba

JRN - Jiren

KFL - Kefla / Kefra / Kefula / Kefura / Kafula

KLL - Krillin / Krilin / Kuririn / Kulilin / Cachito (?)

MIR - Mira / Mirra / Miira

MRN - Super Mira / Mirra / Miira

NAP - Nappa

NI0 - Ribrianne

NI1 - SSGSS Vegeta (Evolved)

NI2 - Vegeta (Super Saiyan God)

NIL - Neil / Nail

PAN - Pan

PIC - Piccoro / Piccolo

R17 - Ranger Android 17 (DBS)

RAD - Raditz

RCM - Recoome / Rikum

RSB - Raspberry

S17 - Super Android 17

SB2 - Super Baby Vegeta 2

SBM - Saibaman / Saibaiman

SD1 - Syn Shenron

SD3 - Ace Shenron

SD4 - Neo Shenron

SLG - Slug

TE1 - Android 21

TE0 - Majin Uub / Majuub / Majub

STN - MR. SATAN! / Hercule

TLS - Turles

TM0 - SSGSS Gogeta

TM1 - Broly (DBS)

TOW - Towa

TPO - Tapion

TRF - Trunks (Future) [DBS]

TRS - Trunks (Kid)

TRX - Trunks (Future) / Trunks GT

TSH - Ten Shin Han / Tien Shinhan

VDL - Videl

VDS - Vados

VG4 - Vegeta Super Saiyan 4

VGT - Vegeta

VTB - Vegito / Vegetto Super Saiyan Blue (SSGSS)

VTO - Vegito / Vegetto

WIS - Whis

YMC - The Great and Powerful Yamcha.

ZBN - Zarbon / Zaabon

ZMD - Fused Zamasu (Half-Corrupted) Giant

ZMG - Fused Zamasu

ZMS - Zamasu


No Playable:

BLF - Bulma (DBS)

BLM - Bulma

DND - Dende

GIL - Giru

NP1 - Referee (Tournament U6vsU7),  MONAKA (The Most Powerful Nipples in Universe 7 (and U6) and Zen-Chan! (Zeno-Sama / Zen'Oh Sama).

OBB - Great Ape Baby Vegeta

OSB - Great Ape Bardock

OSN - Grat Ape Nappa

OSV - Great Ape Vegeta

ROK - Old Kai

SCR - Grand Elder Guru

STD - MR. SATAN! / Hercule possessed

TG1 - Ban (DBXV2 Hero)

TG2 - Saiyan Girl (Patroller)

TG3 - Namekian (Patroller)

TG4 - Frieza Race Patroller

TKT - Toki Toki

TOK - Kaioshin of Time


I hope to be of help with this contribution :)

I added the Portraits of the stages in _STAGE (Obvious)

Thanks to Chadizard and VaiJack for God Demon Demigra - Demon Form and Majin Uub and Android 21 Portraits.

This time I put almost all the Portraits of the game, including icons, more Hero Coliseum stuff and Photo mode frames, hope it .

Updated "BDK - Bardock" in "_In Game"

Added "CL2 - Cell 2nd Form" to "_In Game"

Added "EL0 - Supreme Kaioshin Of Time" to "_In Game"

Added "FIG - Gohan (DBS)"

Added "FIO - Gamma 1" to "_In Game"

Added "FIT - Gamma 2" to "_In Game"

Added "FOD - Dyspo" to "_In Game"

Added "FOK - Goku (Ultra Instinct Sign)" to "_In Game"

Added "FOV - Vegeta (GT)" to "_In Game"

Updated "GG1 - Gogeta (DBZ)" in "_In Game/GG1"

Updated "GVG - SSGSS Vegeta" in "_In Game"

Updated "NI0 - Ribrianne" in "_In Game"

Updated "NP1" in "_Not in Game" Added Dr. Edo

Updated "PAN - Pan" in "_In Game"

Updated "SB2 - Super Baby 2" in "_In Game"

Added "SIG - Gohan Beast" to "_In Game"

Added "SIH - Cell Max (Damaged)" to "_In Game"

Added "SIM - Cell Max" to "_In Game"

Added "SIO - Piccolo Orange" to "_In Game"

Added "SIP - Piccolo (Power Awakened)" to "_In Game"

Added "THC - Caulifla (Super Saiyan)" to "_In Game"

Added "THG - Gogeta (DBS)" to "_In Game"

Added "THJ - Jiren (Full Power)" to "_In Game"

Added "THK - Kale (Super Saiyan 2)" to "_In Game"

Updated "TLS - Turles" in "_In Game"

Added "TWP - Pikkon" to "_In Game"

Added "TWT - Toppo" to "_In Game"

Added "URN - Oolong" to "_Not in Game"

  • 15Mods
  • 14Followers

DLC 16
Credit given to modders
April 23, 2024


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  • 15Mods
  • 14Followers

DLC 16
Credit given to modders
April 23, 2024

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