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Power Move Skill Pack Couldn't click on the youtube link on the site, didn't know if I muffed something so here's a link to the visual changes video just in case.


Big Bang Cannon

2 Ki

A move that moves to the side before it fires a beam attack. Can be used to dodge projectiles and counter attack, or to counter close range attacks and move around blocking opponents.

Dragon Rush

2 Ki

Warps to the target, knocks them into the air and follows up with a combo. Can be pretty rough on a guarding opponents stamina. Leaves the enemy open for a lot of explosion-type ults and supers. Faster ones from cold, slower ones from stamina break.

Mystic Kamehameha

1/2 Ki

Warps within melee distance of the target and fires, second burst activates a kaio-ken effect. Ending the attack from the 1ki phase doesn't activate knockback on the opponent but stuns them just long enough for very fast strike moves like super god fist to land after it.

Whirlwind Punch

1 Ki

My now least favorite unloved garbage baby of a first mod. Fast charge up time before you warp and hit the enemy with an attack that will cause them to spin; Great for super combos, can be pretty hard to land cold (which is the only time the spin effect happens, otherwise it's a straight knockback) , though. Ai tends to just sidestep it or block it.

It's X2M. use eternity's xv2ins tool.


All skills found in the skill shop for 50 zeni.

0.9: initial release


0.91 Attempted fix of shop not having the skills for some people (?)


0.92 Fixed Mystic Kamehameha having the wrong animation for male saiyans


1.0: Large visual overhaul; Except whirlwind punch. I just didn't like it tbh. One like one prayer.

Dragon rush: Fixed a bug that would cause the launching kick to inconsistently add a second hit when it shouldn't have, boosting it's damage into ult territory.

Mystic Kamehameha: Ever so slightly tweaked something so that the first stage is better for combos


1.01: Replaced the old version of big bang cannon that I forgot to update in the main folder

  • 3Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
3.29 MB
Credit given to modders
December 3, 2017


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  • 3Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
3.29 MB
Credit given to modders
December 3, 2017

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