Powergirl Outfit

Tailored to work on HUF and MAF.
HUF= Saiyan and Human females
MAF= Majin Female
A costume made to look like DC's Powergirl, which is well known for a obvious reason. Also comes with a blonde wig ascessory. This is one of multiple Superman related mods I have upcoming, including a Powerboy mod as well.
Note: Not all photos are on the latest mod version. The most recent photos are of the Majin in black and the girl in orange.
There is a unfinished bonus variation included.
Permissions fully allowed to use all assets here, no credit; the exception being a paywalled mod, which I will not tolerate under any circumstances.
I have a discord server. Come here for extra goodies, some modding tips and to report issues: https://discord.gg/T4PeZRRv5x
Now do a Superman outfit
it keeps telling me “Cannot install costume x2m: this functionality requires that the proper_noun_costume_name_* files of all languages to be synchronized in number of entries” pls help lol
I installed all 4 x2ms and it went off without a hitch.
Either you have too many costume mods installed, are on a improper game version, or improper patcher version.
(The latest version of the game has 2 patcher updates, see if you got the newest one)
i dont have any costume mods installed. but ill check it out. i know i have the latest tools because i remeber the old one not leting me get any modds now i got the new one and i can get everything from skills to characters just not clothes
also i have the legit version of DBX2 and i have the 3.8 patcher
idk i just uninstalled everything and reinstalled everything and this and it usally fixes the problem
Could you do a battle damaged version?
It’s been 3000 years…