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Project Awoken

The true display of Ultra Instinct

credits to revamp team for some of the assets used

it comes with an overhaul of UI Goku with a more expanded/accurate moveset and brand new transformable skills based on DB FightersZ. Also, with a new aura once transformed, so dont forget to install it aswell

Read *New Mechanics to find out all of secrects of this newfound ability of Goku.


  • the installer had naming issue that its now fixed, the aura should install properly
  • moveset effects improved
  • transformed Skyline Kamehameha with more effects added
Far Knight
  • 11Mods
  • 23Followers

Credit given to modders
Far Knight
August 2, 2020


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  1. OK so update – This needs some work done on it because using this mod prevents PQs from progressing forward. You might get lucky and be able to do one PQ that requires you to go into multiple areas but when you try to do another PQ that requires you to move to different areas the progression stops and doesnt allow you to progress forward. Ive tested this mod with a clean mod installation and nothing else and i get the same results. Your mods for the CAC skills that this mod contains also has the same results.

    So to those looking at this to download, be aware of this issue and i wouldnt use it until they get this problem fixed, not sure when that will be though as it doesnt appear this modder does much these days.

  2. I have a question, i doubt ill get a reply from you but id like to know how you made it so goku can attack with normal melee as fast as he does? Because in a sense his speed is what makes him OP even with his stats being lower than most of the default roster.

  3. Not a bad UI goku mod stats are a little low but he doesnt do a bad job when using him or when choosing him as an AI ally. Would there be any chance you might consider making his moveset into a moveset for CaC? I bet you could get a lot of folks downloading this and the moveset should you make it.

Far Knight
  • 11Mods
  • 23Followers

Credit given to modders
Far Knight
August 2, 2020

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