Project Buff

The B.P. team presents you.... Project Buff! The biggest project that we have ever done, which is based around the fan favorite Buff Popo.
First of all, most thanks to the developers of the original Buff Popo mod, without your help and the creation of Buff Popo this mod would be never made. Those people/credits are:
The Beyonders: Making the model and giving me permission to upload the original Buff Popo mod
Shinichi Kudo: Making the moveset, portrait, and thumbnail of the original Buff Popo mod
You can find the original Buff Popo mod here: ->
Here are the new credits for the mod:
Nevo - Making us the animation for Buff Popo's GoD form
Rabu/Rabuta - Making us the Buff Popo's GoD form model
Shakaro - Making us Buff Popo's GoD form aura
Unleashed - Making the original infinity rush skill
Anamaze - Making the original destructive death ball skill and hakai barrier skill
ImNotJayden - making some of the recolors while I did other things for the mod
1) Install the aura 2) Install Project Buff.x2m
T4S 😉
when he transforms he has no aura and with skils the saund is missing
Will fix the sound in a later update, also the aura works for me, did u install it?