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Project Wrath – Revamped

This mod will NOT WORK without downloading and installing PROJECT WRATH FIRST.

Please download and install PROJECT WRATH here first:

I am in not associated with FarKnight, Revamp of any of these modders above, nor did i create Project Wrath or Revamp, this mod is simply to make the models (in my opinion) match the Revamp 5.0. update.

Thank you FarKnight, 345Bonehoss, chadizard and revamp team for giving me permissions to upload this mod.

I used Breakers Bust models for the Revamped Armor and made my own fury eye textures for his transformations with screenshots taken from the Movie.

Please support these modders as they are doing incredible work adding these characters and updates to XV2.

  • FarKnight ( - For releasing Project Wrath and making the skills
  • Fireman123 ( -For their incredible model works and for working on Project Wrath in the first place
  • Flousunia ( For their incredible model works
  • TiredChi ( - For their incredible model works
  • Revamp Team ( - For making all the revamp resources used
  • 345Bonehoss ( - For making the revamp hairstyles for CaCs

Installing the REVAMPED Files:

Open your DB Xenoverse 2 steam folder, usually found here:

SteamLibrarysteamappscommonDB Xenoverse 2

Open the "data" folder and find the Project Wrath Broly Character Folder (Usually called BRB but can be renamed if theres a conflicting mod)

Drag these files into that folder and REPLACE any conflicting files.

Once done, launch XV2 and enjoy.

Installing the Alt Hairstyles:

These are different hairstyles to match peoples preferences. They are installed the same way as above, just drag and drop the hairs you prefer Broly to use in game.

1.0 - release

1.1 - fixed the Missing DYT Issue when Broly uses Gigantic Roar

2.0 - Added new optional Hairstyles from Sparking Zero!

  • 3Mods
  • 6Followers

File size
23.37 MB
Credit given to modders
FarKnight, Fireman123, Flousunia, TiredChi, Revamp Team, 345Bonehoss
October 19, 2024


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  • 3Mods
  • 6Followers

File size
23.37 MB
Credit given to modders
FarKnight, Fireman123, Flousunia, TiredChi, Revamp Team, 345Bonehoss
October 19, 2024

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