PvP Voice Patch for SSGSS Vegito & Zamasu- (en)

DISCLAIMER: These aren't the actual voice files which are supposed to present in his PvP intro/outro. The voice files which belong here aren't present in the current version of the game (v1.09.01). Until Bandai/Dimps patch in the correct voice files, this is meant to serve as a temporary solution.
Hey, everyone! So unfortunately, our good ol' friends SSGSS Vegito/Vegito Blue and Fused Zamasu appears to be a mute in their PvP intros/outros if you have the language set to English.
No matter! This small fix will add some suitable voice files until Bandai/Dimps decide to (hopefully) patch them in eventually.
The voice files are taken from SSGSS Vegito's and Fused Zamasu's quest voice files from DLC 4.
Let me know if you have any problems or questions!
Also - special thanks to my good friend ZankyeGaming for helping me with this while my EternityAudioTool wasn't working.
Oh, and the graphics mod in the video is Angealvan's Cover Art shading mod. It's amazing, check it out!
Just extract the sound folder inside the .zip package into your data folder.
v1.0 - First Edition, Vegito Blue files as seen in the video
v1.2 - Second edition, new lines to replace some of the old ones
v1.4 - Includes Fused Zamasu! I'd clearly recommend this one for obvious reasons, but hey, do what you want, man.
v1.5 - Some of Zamasu's lines were too long. Small patch for the sake of gameplay.