QUEST II – Perfection, Arise! – A Cell Games Prelude….

Yo. This is my second quest.
This one is about the Cell Saga. While Cell awaits the Cell Games, a bunch of pests show up and try to ruin his fun before the Cell Games officially start. Help Cell beat all these people so he can continue patiently waiting for the Cell Games, can you?
I used Funfordiego's Cell Games Night Arena for this quest. Make sure to install that first. Here's the link:
I can't lie, this one is tough. Very tough. Even with efforts of me trying to nerf this quest three times, there's still one phase that's guaranteed to throw you in a fit of rage. But it IS possible to beat, I've tested it before. You start off with no items, but you get them back after you beat the second wave of enemies. You have to beat Gohan and Towa first to get the ultimate finish.
Tips for this one? Unless you're very good at the game, bring a healing super soul of some sort. Even when you get items back, you're going to need it. Be prepared for some enemies to jump you. That's a very prevalent issue I had when playtesting it. Equip something like Super Ki Explosion so when you have ki (and an actual opening), you'll be able to get them off your back. ALSO be prepared to revive your allies a LOT. Unless you're playing this online, you're definitely going to be reviving them an uncountable number of times. Make sure to stay alive. Once you're down, it's essentially over. Your allies can try, but they most likely won't save you. On that note, make sure you choose your allies wisely.
I believe that's everything I have to say. Most importantly, I hope you have fun, and if there's any concerns, let me know so I'll be able to fix it.