A way to add collision for stage object (with 3dsmax only), is to use a plugins to make voxel from geometries of the scene. that make a lot of small cube , depending of the with of the cube chosen.
To be more efficient, and reduce the number of havoks created for the stage, and so avoid the possible limit of Dbxv2 (also gain performances), Here I had made a Maxscript to merge the box between them to make bigger went it's possible.
That have been tested with 3dsmax 2015.
IMPORTANT (15/04/2020) : for all, I just add in xenoviewer a functionnality to create voxel, do the reduction and export in emd fbx or directly in Havok. I will release it WHEN I finished about basic file format full check/correction.
Execute the maxscript with 3dsmax.
Only the voxel must have the name "BoxXXX".
To get the witdh of the box, the script try to get the 2 first same witdh, so the script should not work the second time execution, you should come back from after voxel creation, or hide result of the previous execution.
version 1.2: -better detection of the same size woxel in wild (float precision)
-better security to avoid infinity loop as previous.