First I need to clear this, I make this mod for some peoples requests me.
Its a forcible transformation. If you use this mod your Base Character look like Goku with Goku Movestyle and also after the mod installation done open the game and wish for a drop dead gorgeus something at shenron and set everything to type 1 (eye, forehead, face, ear, hair etc) Then you see it will look like goku. And if you guys don't have dragon balls i put a save file (all unlock at starting) in the rar. If you using the save data first backup your old savedata. And if you want to go back your character look like, simple uninstall the mod.(There is a image in the rar, just uninstall the two x2m file)
Most Important
Thanks Lazybones to make the awesome transformation animation mod, Thanks to Pride Troopers to make the awesome aura especially the Ultra Instinct aura. And Thanks to T3l3s to make ssj3+tail comfortable cac movestyles set. Also Thanks Alpha and Mastaklo to make the awesome TOURNAMENT OF POWER STAGE.Goku Ultra Instinct look and colour big thanks to MaskoX.Goku Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken X20 Colour big thanks to Zelf .ULTIMATE COLOR RESHADE ROSTER Thanks to ANGEALVAN.Thanks all of you.
Most Important
1st you need to Download and install pride troopers aura pack, Otherwise the mod did not work. After the aura pack install, then install the mod using x2m.
How to setup character after installing the mod - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=779aVz-Uxm0
Goku Ultra Instinct look and colour big thanks to MaskoX. Goku Ultra Instinct mod link - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/goku-ultra-instinct-2/
Goku Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken X20 Colour big thanks to Zelf GOKU TOURNAMENT OF POWER DLC PACK (WITH CUSTOM VOICES) AND SSB KAIOKEN X20 mod link - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/goku-tournament-of-power-dlc-pack-with-custom-voices-and-ssb-kaioken-x20/
TOURNAMENT OF POWER STAGE (BETA) big thanks to Alpha and Mastaklo TOURNAMENT OF POWER STAGE (BETA) mod link - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/tournaument-of-power-stage-alpha/
Big Thanks to Lazybones for his awesome transformation skills Download Lazybone awesome transformation skills for cac - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/new-transformations-added-skills/
Big Thanks to Pride Troopers for the awesome aura pack Download Pride Troopers awesome aura pack - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/xenoverse-2-aura-expansion-pride-troopers-official-release/
Big Thanks to T3L3S for awesome cac movestyle Download T3L3S awesome Cac Movestyle with ssj3 and tail comfortable - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/uploader/t3l3s/
ULTIMATE COLOR RESHADE ROSTER BigThanks to ANGEALVAN ULTIMATE COLOR RESHADE ROSTER mod download link - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/ultimate-color-reshade-roster/
Most Important
1st you need to Download and install pride troopers aura pack, Otherwise the mod did not work after the aura pack install, then install the mod using x2m.
Extract the rar file. Download the latest Xenoverse 2 Mod Installer and install the x2m file using it. Goto the skill shop and buy the skill. Now equip and enjoy
when i download it where do i go to use the mod do i go to character selection bc when i do it doesnt show the goku