Reshade Preset – For D-Shading
This will be a new Project to go with My D-Shading Mod. This is a Reshade Preset for the .Dll Program Reshade.
With this Preset I will being aiming to Enhance in-game effects as well as Image Quality and Atmosphere. Bring Better Color Cohesion for D-Shading's styling.
Drag and Drop Setup
Just Drops files from .Rar to Your bin Folder
Installer Setup
Download Reshade
Then run ReShade Setup.exe
Click "Click here to select a game and manage its ReShade Installation"
Select "DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 (DBXV2.exe)" or Select Browse, head to your DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2's "Bin" Folder and Select DBXV2.exe then Press "Use Selected Application"
Next Click On "Direct3D 10/11/12"
Check Boxes for all Shaders Packages execpt for the last one"Legacy standard effects" then Press "OK"
Let the Shaders be Downloaded Then Press "Edit ReShade settings" and Press the "..." across from Preset. Now Drop the DBXV2.ini from in "Reshade-Preset-For-D-Shading.rar" into the Open window then select the DBX2.ini and Press Open then press "OK". Your done, Enjoy.
Added UninstallReshade.bat to Uninstall Reshade in one click
Edited Installation Section, 2 Methods for Installing now
It works with all mods type like revamp?
how do you set it up?
Drop files from ,rar into bin folder for Xenoverse 2
I did it, but it is not working 🙁
Your not getting any prompot in the top left corner when you start the game?
I have added a new install method to “Installation Section” Give that a try and see if it works for you.
To clarify this shader is just for Roster Characters right or?
This is a Reshade Preset to go with my texture mod D-Shading. Right now mostly just Roster Characters, but I have some of the male CAC started too.
awesome thanks for answering , and this wont work for like Modded Characters am i right?
Not without some work by Me or the Modder of said modded characters. Hopefully When I put out my tutorial, Modders will want to Reshade there mods with my Shading.