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Revamp 5.0 Portraits for 5.0ified Characters

Happy late New Year, everyone! In this upload; I have brought what I promised awhile ago! Higher quality character portraits that look like they belong in the Revamp 5.0 Character Select Screen! As of this date, it has the portraits for all dyt mods so far to be consistent with their in-game models. They may not be perfect, but I put a lot of time for everyone to treat these dyt mods like an expansion to the original Revamp 5.0 with all the well-done mods made by other talented modders credited in my other uploads.

To those who are looking to create their own portraits, there is also an unedited PNG package to use as references to help make your own mods feel like the complete package! This also means that the old ones I had published are outdated, do not use them unless you like my bad amateur quality better.

This page will not be updated for any new dyt mods I upload as the new portraits made will be uploaded alongside them.

Credit to a user on Pinterest; Pipo P for the background image:

Revamp 5.0 by Revamp Team in case you have not installed this yet:

Go to xv2characreat, click Files Tab and hit 'change' on Select Portrait and hit Select File. Then pick any of the DDS files packaged depending on the character you are using. Then simply reinstall the X2M.

For Retry's Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku, click Files Tab and hit 'change' on Select Portrait and hit Copy From Game. Then find the 5.0 Goku portraits. Then of course, reinstall the X2M.

Why I had not done them is because both 5.0 and Retry's mods have both of them shirtless (I am aware of SSJ4 Goku's second preset, but repeat after me: second). There would not be much point if they won't be any different.


  • 9Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
3.85 MB
Credit given to modders
Revamp Team, Goji, TheGuyFromBehind, Goketer HighCeiling, haldir307, CaliKingz01, Tsu, Retry
January 7, 2025


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  • 9Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
3.85 MB
Credit given to modders
Revamp Team, Goji, TheGuyFromBehind, Goketer HighCeiling, haldir307, CaliKingz01, Tsu, Retry
January 7, 2025

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