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Revenge Wrath!

"This must be your inner peace taking over to make the transition into death that much easier. I will enjoy this."

Hello once again people! So, I've been working on this mod for a while now and I finally have the finished version!

Inspiration came from the thought, "Man, Holy Wrath sucks, what if I could make it better?" and that's how this happened!

These skills are an amalgamation of Holy Wrath and Revenge Death Ball! The follow will tell you the difference between them.

This mod comes with 3 different versions.

File name - In-game name - description

Super Revenge Wrath - Revenge Wrath - This was the one of the first versions I made, it is a version of super skill version of Revenge Wrath that just fires the projectile right away! Good for combos and such!

Ultimate Revenge Wrath - Ultimate Revenge Wrath - This is basically the result of 4 weeks of work. While the super skill version of Revenge Wrath is based more around Holy Wrath, this version is based more around Revenge Death Ball and works the same except you are able to move while charging the skill!

Ultimate Revenge Wrath No Cam - Ultimate Revenge Wrath - This is the same as the other version, except it doesn't have a camera for more control on where you are, wanted to include both for those that wanted it! Also has No Cam in the description so you'll know which one is which!

This is my first skill mod that isn't an awoken, so all the feedback is much appreciated!

Hope you all enjoy the mod, and if you have a suggestions or comments that you want to give me directly, my discord is: Fluffy Papi#5439

Install the versions of your choosing with XV2INS and go and play!

*They can all be installed*

V1 - Release

Fluffy Papi CRS
  • 12Mods
  • 32Followers

File size
3.38 MB
Credit given to modders
Fluffy Papi CRS
October 26, 2020


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Fluffy Papi CRS
  • 12Mods
  • 32Followers

File size
3.38 MB
Credit given to modders
Fluffy Papi CRS
October 26, 2020

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