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Roitenx Xeno SSJ Blue Evolution + Ultra Instinct

Hey hey hey que onda a todos modders, este es el segundo mod de mi cac Roitenx, el primero lo subi en mi primera cuenta pero a partir de ahora los subire en esta porque queria cambiarme el nombre y no se podia.

Espero les gusten mis mods pues yo me asegurare de siempre sean lo mas epicos posibles.

Les agradeceseria si se suscribieran y apoyaran a mi canal de youtube donde subo gameplays comentados de DBX2 asi de mis propios mods y mods de otras personas y mas cosas.

Tambien si me puedes almenos colavorar donando 1 dolar a mi patreon te lo agradeceria mucho tambien para animarme a traerles mods mas seguido, gracias por tu descarga y adios.

*Si vas a hacer un video sobre cualquiera de mis mods porfavor deja en la descripcion mi canal de YouTube*


Hey hey hey wave all modders, this is the second mod of my cac Roitenx, the first I uploaded it in my first account but from now on I will upload it because I wanted to change the name and could not.

I hope you like my mods because I will always make sure they are as epic as possible.

Thank you if you subscribe and support my YouTube channel where I upload DBX2 commented gameplays as well as my own mods and mods of other people and more.

Also if you can at least help me donate 1 dollar to my patreon I would appreciate it too to encourage me to bring you mods more often, thanks for your download and goodbye

* If you are going to make a video about any of my mods please leave my YouTube channel in the description *





Bell SSJ2
  • 12Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
5.07 MB
July 4, 2018


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Bell SSJ2
  • 12Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
5.07 MB
July 4, 2018

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