Rosé Vegito Black Fully Customized
i HOPE you will like it !
Anyway ..
this is my version of Rosé Vegito Black
1- Comes with 4 Shadings Options (Vanilla+Ultimate+HG+Agwang).
2- Comes with 2 Auras Options (Custom+Vanilla).
i Customized his skills,aura,Voice and the combos.
Very Important Note:
READ THE ((Read Me First Of All [Important].txt)) at the rar file
Credit and Thanks to :
Goketer HighCeiling For the Revamp project LINK
- In the rar file.
Second Release.
Now This Mod Custom aura works PERFECT with
1-lazybone New Transformations .
4- Any Mod Without Custom aura (any mod uses a game aura), Because there is a limit of new auras we can install!
- So if you install This mod (the custom aura version) with Lazybone aura's or Azura aura's or the revamp project or any mod uses a game aura You don't have to Clear Your mods Dictionary !!
- But if you had a problem you can clear Your mods Dictionary.
Help, the aura installer deleting another aura mods