Ruby Frieza RETEXTURE (x2m version available, x2m not included)

Hello every1, I am begginer at modding DBXV2, I only know how to retexture and edit colors in photoshop, I am still learning. I was little bored and I wanted to make some mods so I decided to edit Golden Frieza, turn him into Ruby Frieza. I have seen ppl doing Diamon Frieza, Platinum Frieza but never any kind of red Frieza so I decided to make Ruby Frieza. Hope some1 will like it. However, this mod still isnt done, I plan to turn it into separated character slot.
I mainly made this mod for latest xv2 pather, this new kind of installing mods. The Mad Titan got it well explained in this tutorial:
Credits to The Mad Titan for making that video and sharing such improved way of installing mods.