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Sacred Scythe Incarnate Moveset Pack

3 moveset pack that are the base versions of the Ultimate Sacred Warrior, Celestial Darkness and Demon God Incarnate movesets.

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x2m or drag and drop options


  • 130uploads
October 8, 2022


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  1. Johta says:

    Whats the big idea? I can’t get the scythe or projectiles to appear. I’ve already installed everything i needed. And whats the CMN stuff for????????

  2. Takii says:

    You know what would be great? if you could have bothered to name the movesets in the video after the scythe one so we know what is what. I dont mean to harp on you but to have to install then uninstall then install then uninstall just to figure out which one is which might have been a good idea, but i suppose thats asking too much.

    Again i dont mean to jump your ass over this but it WOULD have been nice to know which ones are which. Just sayin…

    1. Nhisso says:

      I mean, it’s pretty obvious lol. Calm down.

  3. well i have a problem here, im using demon god on a frieza race cac, whenever i transform into golden form it does a weird animation after that weird animation, i started have the golden aura but my cac didn’t change at all and when i tried to transform again, it does the same thing, it basiclly pervents me to use golden form, nothing game breaking but i really want to use it..

    1. Takii says:

      Well it could have to do with the fact that the moveset isnt made for the frieza race, it clearly states that its for HUM/HUF/SYM/SYF. I guess reading isnt your strong suit? Dont mean to start shit but if you bothered to actually read what it says you might not have problems. Its like when programs you download have a read me file, how you all just ignore it and think you can do it on your own, then complain about problems because you couldnt bothered to actually read things. Common sense dude….. try it sometime.

  4. FreqOffVert says:

    Hey.i have a question,im currently using the sacred warrior moveset for my male earthling and theres a bug,when i try to grab my character gets stuck until he gets hit, do you have a way around this or explanation. thanks and big fan of your movesets btw

  5. noxnight says:

    Is there any way this scythe moveset would ever be made for majin females, or a similar moveset? I assume renaming the files to MAF wouldn’t work or anything, so I figured I’d ask.

    1. SSaYnt says:

      renaming huf or syf to maf works, the problem is the effects you should use eepk organizer to open the eepk from syf or huf and save them as maf

      1. noxnight says:

        Oh I see, I’ll try to do that one of these days. Thanks a lot for the help 🙂

  6. MrChizzle says:

    Is it possible to learn how to make movesets like this

    1. SSaYnt says:

      I have done it with very few tutorials so anyone can if they propose it

      1. MrChizzle says:

        As I am someone who has very lightly touched movesets is there a place/video that you recommend to start with?

  • 130uploads
October 8, 2022

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