Shallot SSJ hairstyle for CAC transformations (SYM/SYF)

Description :
Hi, this mod allows you to get Shallot SSJ hairstyle when you're using a Lazybone's Saiyan transformation ! For now, it's only compatible with Lazybone's New Transformation mod, however I'm taking request if you want to use it with other transformations mods.
This is one of my first mod, so sorry if there is issues that I didn't see coming. If you want an exact hairstyle for CAC transformation, feel free to ask !
You'll see that there is 2 mods inside the folder. The first one is the one I've talked about above. The second one is almost the same as the first, however I've added Teen Gohan's SSJ 2 hairstyle on CAC when using Super Saiyan 2 ! I'm seeing it as a "bonus", since it's not perfect.
I had the idea when seeing in-game that Teen Gohan had not the same hair when in SSJ 1 and SSJ 2, and since I find that Shallot and Teen Gohan's hair are a bit similar (and I like the lock of hair getting up in SSJ 2).
How to install :
You have two ways to install the mod : the x2m using the Eternity Patcher or the Manual Installation folder. With the last one, you just have to put the data folder of the mod you want inside your game folder.
1.0 - Mod released using oODemonboyOo's hairstyles mod for Shallot (SSJ) and Teen Gohan (SSJ).
1.1 - From what I tried, fixed an issue with SYF which caused the hair to be above the head in Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Blue.