Skills voice for cac male pack

After making the mods male voice pack i was a little Disturb about when you do a kamehameha or a final flash the original cac voice returne so here it's my v1 of skills voice for cac i will added more skills with time (excuse me if i have a bad english).
For who dosen't have my male voice pack you can download the complete mods right here (with skills voice added) .
Goku voice added :
Super : Kamehameha,Kamehameha Boost ,Kaioken 5x 20x,Rock Paper Scissors,Power Pole,Destructo-Disc,Solar Flare.
ultimate :Super Kamehameha,Perfect Kamehameha,Spirit Bomb.
Gohan added :
Super :Kamehameha,Masenko,Justice Pose
You can also check out the other voice mods :
-evil pack (include frezer etc..):
-the female pack :
ultimate :Super Kamehameha,Special Beam Cannon
Vegeta added :
Super :Big Bang Attack,
ultimate :Final Flash,Final Shine Attack
Trunks added:
Super :Kamehameha,Masenko.
ultimate :Super Kamehameha.
Gotrenks added :
Super :Wolf Fang Fist,Kamehameha,DIE DIE Missile Barrage,Galactic Donuts,Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack.
ultimate :Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack.
Vegito added:
Super :Destructo-Disc,Kamehameha,Bluff Kamehameha, Split Finger Shot.
Ultimate :Super Kamehameha,Final Flash,Spirit Sword.
To install, unpack your datap3.cpk and place the file in the download into you datap3/data/ folder. Repack your datap3.cpk and put it in your xenoverse folder.