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Son Goku (Mastered Super Saiyan)


This mod is actually pretty simple and made to look vanilla and fitting XV style, making this pretty different to the mods I usually make like the Divine Pack

Goku (Mastered Super Saiyan) or as some people still know him "Super Saiyan Full Power" is the just the controlled version of Super Saiyan, acting as a "base form" for Goku and Gohan during the training before Cell Games

I made it because I was actually surprised that no so much people made this concept (I though it was pretty common lol) and wanted to make my own version and I always liked the casual Goku jacket lmao (and also the Saiyan Armor, that's why I updated it)

Comes with a Custom Moveset (same of my End of Z Goku) and with a Custom Stance based on a manga panel at the start of the battle of this version of Goku vs Cell

4 Custom Skills:

  • Super Rush: Edited version of Sonic Rush to fit more this Goku
  • Overheated Aura: Reinforcement Skill, quick to release, gives you Super Armor (only lose Stamina, not health) and a power boost, but for only a short time period
  • Full Power Aura Explosion: Super Explosive wave based evasive that makes you transform during the skill (dyts + aura + stats boost during the short transformation)
  • Instant Kamehameha: Edited version of Warp Kamehameha that makes you transform during the skill (dyts + aura + stats boost during the short transformation)

Thanks to Revamp Team and 345boneshoss for the free to use assets used as base for this mod (Used own custom versions of the dyts)


I can't promise that I will release a Gohan (Mastered Super Saiyan) mod, so please don't ask to much for it


1.0 - Release

2.0 - Added Battle Armor slot! (+ minor fix with the 2nd slot name)

Kaito Kid (Mankyuu!!)
  • 23Mods
  • 53Followers

File size
6.54 MB
July 18, 2022


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Kaito Kid (Mankyuu!!)
  • 23Mods
  • 53Followers

File size
6.54 MB
July 18, 2022

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