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SSaYnt’s Sword – Brawler Moveset for HUM/SYM/HUF/SYF SSJ3 + TAIL SUPPORT

<span lang="en">Well, my first mod here, is a moveset that took me a long time 
but I think something creative remains, it combines movements 
of trunks, tapion, jiren, goku ui and frieza race cac
</span><span lang="en">
<span style="font-size: 24pt">Important:</span></span>
<span lang="en">Since t3l3s is no longer in the community I find it impossible to 
upload the swords that make the mod work with them
so you can google and download the movesets of him which brings tapion 
and trunks swords as accessories to work with the moveset

swords for the moveset:
<a href=""></a>
alfq <a href=""></a>

Female swords:
<span lang="en"> </span>

Drag and Drop in Data or x2m

1.0 release

2.0 added ssj3 + tail support and x2m

3.0 changed a few attacks and Fixed an issue that caused the tail not to appear in certain attacks

4.1 fixed some bugs with the tail, added black trail

5.0 fixed moves that sword is floating and added a female version

  • 149Mods
  • 258Followers

File size
47.89 MB
Credit given to modders
January 27, 2022


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  1. Hey there, great mod. New to modding XV2 and this has been a fun addition. I seem to be having a bug with the audio or I may of missed something in the install. For the most part the mod works but the sword swings do not have any audio with them (they do seem to work if the hit is blocked). I’ve tried doing a few different things to fix the problem but I’ve had no luck. Do I use the 5.0 folder or the base one? I tried swapping between both, no luck and as someone stated below, the effects installer seemed to cause inf loading screen on a mission start.

    Thank you for any help in advance.

  2. hey, quick question. first of all, thanks for this great mod, been having fun with it. i was just wondering how do you choose or pick between the base moveset and the alternate moveset? i’ve been trying to figure out how to use the alternate version, thanks in advance.

        1. Fuck that. You better expect some bad words if you’re being dumb for nothing. The dude just needs to click on the “installation” to see how he should do it, but instead he come to the comment section to ask that, and not even thank the creator for his mod. So yeah

  • 149Mods
  • 258Followers

File size
47.89 MB
Credit given to modders
January 27, 2022

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