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SSB-SSBKK for Super Vegeta (Updated DLC4)

This mod updates Aqua's SSB/SSBKK over Super Vegeta mod for DLC 4. Originally I used some of Aqua's modded files, but now the mod consists mostly of my own. The mod is now fully updated to include SSB/SSBKK over Super Vegeta and SSJ4 over Future Super Saiyan. It also includes Super Saiyan 1 and 2 files that can be changed easily if wanted. Males have SSJ4 tail, which moves and has animations.

This is Online Friendly

You lose SSJ teleport ability for Super Vegeta and stay transformed during Cutscenes.

-Same power boost though, has been tested online to be fair and work on both sides.

Do NOT get rid of the HUM 026 and 027 files or HUF 035 and 036 files names

-Males use HUM files, 026 is for SSJ1 and 027 is for SSJ2. Females use HUF files, 035 is for SSJ1 and 036 is for SSJ2. If you want a custom SSJ1/SSJ2 hairstyle or eyebrow these are the files you will have to replace. Just make sure to rename whatever hairstyle you want to use to HUM_026_Hair/HUM_027_Hair or HUF_035_Hair/HUF_036_Hair and then put them in the HUM/HUF folder. For eyebrows its the same but instead of Hair its Face_forehead



Big thanks to Aqua for the original mod, and for some of the hair files, couldn't have done this without the original creator.

Thanks to Pafap's tutorial and EnderDark4K's translation of it.

Thanks to Kingpin for SSJ4 model and animation

Put the data folder into your main DB Xenoverse 2 folder.


Make sure you have XV2Patcher first!


-First release, only SSB/SSBKK for males Super Vegeta has been updated for DLC4


-Updated SSB/SSBKK for females too, however eyebrows still yellow for females during Super Vegeta transformations.

2.0: Major Update

-Added my own BCS files which is updated for DLC 4, meaning DLC 4 clothes will no longer disappear while using this mod.

-Fixed eyebrows and eye issues with females, they now have blue eyebrows and eyes while in Super Vegeta/Super Vegeta 2 forms.

-Added in SSJ4 for both males and females, which now replaces Future Super Saiyan, this is also Online Friendly.

  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
4.10 MB
Credit given to modders
August 6, 2017


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  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
4.10 MB
Credit given to modders
August 6, 2017

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