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SSBE Vegeta Skills Pack

As the title says, this pack includes the edited skills included on SSBE Vegeta with DLC 9. I really just wanted the Atomic Blast but, I went ahead and added the other skills that I could as X2Ms for everyone to enjoy using Eternity's Skill Creator. There are a few things to note though despite most of the skills working as they currently are. It should also be said that if you try to use these skills without owning Ultra Pack 1 (DLC 9) you most likely will run into unintended side effects so just don't do that at all because if you do you're on your own.

Firstly, I  couldn't get Final Galick Rush to work properly and while it is a simple method to get it working, it's out of my skill range so I'll just leave it up to someone more experienced than myself to make that.

Secondly, Final Explosion has a few issues which are present but don't really adversely affect the skill's functionality. When using the move with transformations even after your stamina is fully drained the move will keep going, I don't know how to fix this and I don't know just how prevalent it is among forms other than the SSBE added by DLC 9 which is the only form I've tested it with. So you basically just have to release the input manually to finish the move.

  • Another thing to note is during the startup and explosion is the camera angle won't change so you'll just be watching the skill unfold from the usual fighting angle. (I kinda prefer it personally as it gives me Budokai Tenkaichi vibes so I'm not going to stress over it) The camera angle will adjust itself when coming out of the move. You also won't turn into a ashen rag-doll and fall to the ground since you're using the SSBE Vegeta version so that's a plus.
  • You may also occasionally have the explosion's effects linger even after finishing the move, although its not too common so it shouldn't be too noticeable.

That's about it, feel free to use these in your own mods just be sure to link back to this page as credit so others can get the skills for themselves. \ ^.^ /

X2Ms for dayzz.

1.0 Release (Maybe next time dimps will release the skills themselves for CaCs but probably not.)

  • 11Mods
  • 7Followers

File size
126.96 kB
Credit given to modders
August 4, 2019


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  • 11Mods
  • 7Followers

File size
126.96 kB
Credit given to modders
August 4, 2019

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