SSGSS4 Vegeta

Probably you not going to find it a big deal, but for me it is. the reason i make this is because i don't have ssj4 Vetageta as all we know the only way to get ssj4 is if you bought the game as pre order, so if you didn't pre-order you never get SSj4 Vegeta. so i took my time to replace SSGSS Vegeta with SSj4 Vegeta on top of it his a Super Saiyan 4 God. (SSGSS4) thinking of maybe do the same with ssgss Goku...?
You need to repack to datap3 and data2 to be able to get in game and character selection Portrait
I add: HD Graphic Tail with VG4 EAN
Add Whis logo the the belt and fix the Fighting Animation. (I find out that Vegeta .EAN is shared with SSGSS Vegeta)