SSj4 Costume for CAC

This is SSJ4 Costume that replace Bandages the Mummy Costume,i rename also the costume to Super Saiyan 4 Costume. Works well with ssj transformations.This has Gogeta fighting style for now.
Note: Lobby tail animation and transformation animation that you see in this video is not included on this mod.
Drop the data folder to the root of DB Xenoverse (make sure that you have CPK Patcher)
Fix a bug on jacket.
Fix the issue where Hair #4 and 10 go bald with no ears when selecting ssj4 costume Hair. This now repalce Pilaf's Hat.
Changed back the animation fighting style back to HUM. Just the Base Stand from VG4 remains.
This version bring Baby jacket with bust,pants,rist,boots colorable. The ssj4 hair now will be on Hair#1. Inside the folder will be the to versions (v1.0 and v2.0) choose whichever you want. v2.0 ssj transformation works only on Hair, NOT on fur. Note: If you going to use v2.0 make sure you delete the older version.
Fix animation combos that was not properly inserted, now everything should work like it supposed