SSW Majin Buu Saga Goku and Vegeta Final Update!

This is the final version of my Majin Buu saga Super Saiyan White Goku and Vegeta. They replace SSGSS Goku and Vegeta.
Updates include: Body Glow/Color Fixes
Customized Optional Z Souls ( They give both characters a massive boost in Ki regen, essentially giving them unlimited Ki)
Customized Optional Evasive moves. (Includes my Instant Transmission/Instant rise and Saiyan Spirit Explosion/Spirit Explosion)
New Optional Movesets. ( Based on my personal tastes. )
Custom Optional Aura files ( To give them Unlock Potential Aura. )
Things to Note: All files in the Data2 provided are optional stuff and if you have other mods of the same nature they could overwrite them, for those who can edit files on their own, they can be used as a guideline, everyone else, be warned and install at your own discretion. the skins are found in Datap3 for those who just want to use the skins.
This is my first time releasing a fully fleshed out mod like this, if any errors are found, please point them out or send me a PM and I will fix them ASAP. As always, BACKUP YO' STUFF BEFORE INSTALL.
Data2 goes in Data2, Datap3 goes in Datap3
Fixed Goku's shoes for final update, was using wrong saga colors.