Super 18 Clothes and Hair for HuF CaC

Super 18 Clothes based on this Artwork by salvamokoto.
Includes Gloves, Bust, Pants and Boots. Bust model with the shirt only and a bust model with the vest.
Default colors and colorable versions as always.
Clothes replaced are Android 18's Clothes (Vest & Pants). (if someone is willing to make a x2m file and add it as a new outfit I would add that to the download)
Hair files replace the 2nd hairstyle in the character creations screen, the Nr18 hairstyle.
Addde eyes fro CaC that look similiar to C18 eyes. The replace the eyes Type 4.
Added a X2M file provided by atsuraelu. Thank you.
base mod files go into data/char/HUF folder and colorable files as well.
- release
- fixed some clipping on the pants model
- added a look-alike C18 eyes for CaC (replace eyes Nr.4)
- added a x2m file (made by Atsuraelu)