Super Black Kamehameha for CaC

This MOD is not meant to be used online , as the skill doesn't work properly in online matchs.
Super Black Kamehameha for CaC
Goku's Black Ultimate Ki Blast for CaC, not much else to say other than that
The skill will be avaliable on the Skill Shop like any other with a cost of 2000 Zenies , 300 of ki usage cost , same damage as the original skill and it's usable by all races.
Note that the skill is called "Super Dark Kamehameha" in the game in order to avoid conflicts or whatever else could cause your game to freeze on loading screens.
Step 0 - Use XV2 Mod Installer Method
Step 1 - Extract the file that you just downloaded from the RAR
Step 2 - Open your Mod Installer and add the mod as normal.
Step 3 - Have Fun!
1.0 - First Release