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Super Body Change (X2M 100% Series)

Introducing Super Body Change from the 100% Series! This is my first addition to the series and quite an interesting one. The basic concept of the "100% Series" is taking the stuff in Xenoverse 2 that has been toned down or "nerfed" due to game balance and taking off all limitations, making it equivalent to the real deal. Body Change is unable to be used in parallel quests and the story mode, however Super Body Change completely defies these rules, and on top of that it requires no ki to use!

Super Body Change:

Can be used in parallel quests and story missions.

Is poorly retextured to a yellow color (kind of).

Is pretty broken when used in parallel quests and story missions.

            Yes I know its quite a shame but using Super Body Change outside of 1v1 styled matches can cause some issues with cutscenes and other assets found in a parallel quest or story mission. Ending the mission after body changing is probably not a good idea, as you have a possibility to crash, and the same can happen when body changing with an npc who is involved in cutscenes or transitions. However, the skill is still very fun to experiment with if your willing to let your Xenoverse 2 tank crashes like it never has before (lol). It is worth noting that you can probably avoid crashes by ending the parallel quest or story mission before it happens.

Well share with me some crazy stuff that happens when you use the skill in different places! I haven't tested mentor battles or expert missions yet, so you can find out for yourself what exactly may happen. ;)


P.S: The last little screenshot I took was after Goku Black when Ssj Rose after I had did the body change on him, and as you can see it glitched out haha.


P.S.S: You can find the skill in the skill shop for an astonishing 1 zeni!

The skill is an X2M file, if you don't know what that is just google it.

V 2.1: Made the launch time and speed much lower, also some other adjustments.

V 1.2: Created the skill and changed description in skills menu. (Changed version to 1.2 because that's its actual version).


  • 40Mods
  • 11Followers

File size
281.38 kB
Credit given to modders
Deadly Goomba
September 30, 2017


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  1. Gonna be honest this is the only mod youve made that doesnt work at least for me, is it possible to revamp it as it could just be the file bugging out. Its a cool looking mod though and I was hoping to get it working but it either has to do with file or me

  • 40Mods
  • 11Followers

File size
281.38 kB
Credit given to modders
Deadly Goomba
September 30, 2017

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