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Super Ki Explosion Replacer (I BROKE EVERYTHING EDITION)

This is Super Ki Explosion.

Why use this?

  1. Infinite knockback (they will literally get thrown backward forever if you don't break their animation.)
  2. Explosions (While walking on ground) Too annoying. Now your enemy generates the sparkly explosions.
  3. Costs no ki
  4. Custom animation (see if you can guess what skill the animation is from... )
  5. Why not?

Some feedback would be nice!

Also, would any of you want a non-overpowered or only slightly overpowered version?

Variants of skill coming soon, and if popular enough, a non-replacer version.

I added an "Alpha Version" that removed the rotation at start of skill. It also changes the animation. This version looks better in my opinion. You install only 1 of the X2Ms, "Alpha Version" or the other one.

The added screenshot is for the alpha version (with the dark colors).

I conveniently made an X2M (though it is still a replacer).

You install only 1 of the X2Ms, "Alpha Version" or the other one.

Install the Dark Version AFTER you install the X2M.

Turned it into a skill where it envelops the enemy in a pink explosion. Took away the annoying sparks. Fixed the camera. Increased knockback, and reduced gravity of opponent while skill is in effect.


Trust me, looks MUCH better....

Added a Dark Version [Black and Purple] Thanks to uchihamytaka.

New screenshots for both versions coming soon (current screenshot does the skill no justice whatsoever.)

I added an "Alpha Version" that removed the rotation at start of skill. It also changes the animation. This version looks better in my opinion. You install only 1 of the X2Ms, "Alpha Version" or the other one.

The added screenshot is for the alpha version (with the dark colors).

  • 38Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
230.59 kB
Credit given to modders
GoodorBadAsh and Uchiha Taka (For the Dark Version)
January 3, 2018


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  • 38Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
230.59 kB
Credit given to modders
GoodorBadAsh and Uchiha Taka (For the Dark Version)
January 3, 2018

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