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Super Saiyan 4 Add on story Mode, Legend Patrol, Parallel Quest and Infinite Quest pack

S. this improves stuff in story and pqs, after comments i havw made some changes, tell me if this works fine now, try playing the golden frieza, Hit story modes, also for those with the legend patrol, try that aswell, Adds Super saiyan 4s into quests. just copy and paste into data folder also keep checking out the levels of fighters, tell me if they seem accurate. VERY IMPORTANT DONT SELECT PQS OTHER THEN THE VANILLA ONES. only play from PQ 1 to PQ 146, still some of the vanilla pqs dont work well. tell me which those are if you find them BUT here are some that can be played, the pqs have been altered, be sure to check them out. Parallel Quest 101: Seeking Fighters for Tournament! 60: Blast the Super Spirit Bomb! 62: Frieza's Nightmare Returns 76: Eternal Rival 100: The Ultimate Rivalry. 107: The Future's Greatest Hope! 108 Doppelganger Dispute! 122 The Final Battle Before the Final Battle?! 130 Legendary Starving Saiyan Broly 136 Breaking Down the Barrier. 143 Other World Offensive. 144 Super 17's Super Plan. 145 Other World Challenger. NOW TRY ALL OF THESE I LISTED UP HERE, tell me if they work well and if they are shockingly surprising when seeing what happens in them. also here are some more that work. PQ numbers 47,58,60,64,65,67,72,82,125. as for story mode well, expect to see for example SS4 Goku vs Golden Frieza or SS4 Vegeta VS Hit, and also try the legends patrol, ss4 goku vs The destroyer or even try the Final Mira ss4 battle. make sure to give me feedback and comments. PS.alot of ss4 stuff here, Goku ss4 even talks casually with people like in the pic with him and Upa here, defeat golden frieza in the story and see for your self.

copy and paste, MAKE SURE TO HAVE AN EMPTY DATA FILE WHEN USING THIS THE 1ST TIME. play a bit of pqs, then download any other mods you want. make sure not to select unnamed PQs. you dont want your game to crash right.

NOW IT WORKS! it works with other mods it will add Super Saiyan 4s to the storymode and PQS, seriously try them out, especially you SLO plays

i recommend the Goku black, Hit dlc stories And PQs, also levels are more accurate, check them out too.

  • 8Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
1.27 MB
July 12, 2022


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  • 8Mods
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File size
1.27 MB
July 12, 2022

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