Super Saiyan 4 Customization

Super Saiyan 4 Customization: (Revamp Compatible)
Skills, Outfits, Accessory, New Appearnance Menu Options
Golden Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan 4: (Skill)
- No Ki Required
- Custom Stats (Read Skill-Stats.txt)
- Forms Gain Aura Outline (Won't affect your custom auras)
- Built-In Ki Charge (Works on any moveset already installed)
- Hair ID 256
Super Saiyan 4 Set: (Outfit)
- Custom Model, Including Wrist Fur, Eye Shadow Trim and Tail all in one model
- NonColorable and Colorable/Transformable Versions
- Super Saiyan 4 Hair Accessory (Hair ID 256)
- Both combined allows Super Saiyan 4 appearance in Conton City
Super Saiyan 4 Appearnce Menu Options:
- Super Saiyan 4 Forehead as a new option in change appearence menu
- Two Versions
- NonTransformable: Shadow Trim colorable via Make Up Slot 2, though they'll keep base form colors when transforming
- Transformable: Shadow Trim matches hair color, transforming with BCS colors only
Works with your existing/already installed Super Saiyan 4 Hair, though not required at first to install.
No other mods required, installer works even if ya don't have "data" folder, will automatically be created. (The ID for the Hair is 256, if you need to change, only needs changed if this is your first Super Saiyan 4 mod installed)
Works with any tail compatible moveset (not required at first install, works with vanilla moveset)
Ki Charge Added Upon Transformation (Guard + Heavy Attack)
-Using the new BCM support from Lazybone
XV2INS & XV2Patcher Most Recent Version Required First
Then Use Super Saiyan 4 Customization Installer
Please Give Feedback/Any Problems With Mod
Benchmark Mod: When I first started to mod Xenoverse 2 back in 2016-17 I attempted to make a customizable Super Saiyan 4 such as this to be visible in Conton City, didn't achieve it fully and so much more until now. It's a culmination of almost everything I learned over the years in terms of modding.
Transformation Note: Transforms into Super Saiyan 4 first then Full Power Super Saiyan 4, just as in GT, made it that way to be a bit more anime accurate.
Detransformation Note: Forms will detransform when stamina broken. (As it should be, same as in the manga/anime)
X2M Versions Note: Installable, though these are more of a resource for other X2M mods, you'll need to use Super Saiyan 4 Customization Installer first, or you'll get infinite loading (main reason I previously removed X2Ms, with how I have them set up nowadays, requires Installers first either way)
Revamp Note: This mod also fixes the pre-baked.xml from Revamp, one of those fixes is Potential Unleashed using your default hair again, no more black hair or manual fix required.
Female Super Saiyan 4 Bust Credit & Permission: ThatGuyNamedTed
Xenoverse 2 Modding Community's Discord Server The Citadel
Watch Xenoverse 2 Modding Tutorials
XV2INS & XV2Patcher Most Recent Version Required First
Then Use Super Saiyan 4 Customization Installer
- Revamp Compatible
- Game Version 1.22
- Added Golden Super Saiyan 4 (Should've Been SSJ4 Main Look)
- Added Transformation Impact Damage
- Combined Super Saiyan 4 Appearance Mod
- New BCS Colors
- Fixed animations (vanilla moveset tail compatible version)
- Fixed camera issues (vanilla moveset tail compatible version)
- Better Custom Moveset Support, Adjusted DYT Colors
- Implemented new BCM support, built-in ki charge works on any moveset already installed
- Adjusted Female Colors
- Now compatible with vanilla moveset, if custom moveset is not installed
- Added Ki Charge (Guard + Heavy Attack)
- Initial Release
Would it be possible for you to make a version that doesn’t corelate with the character’s hair color? It’s just a little irritating when I go from any super saiyan form back to base and the fur is just black and not the original colors from the outfit color menu. Great mod though! Just not sure if it’s an issue on my end or not.
Oh my, I forgot to include a version of the bust to be set-up differently, which doesn’t revert to base form hair color.
The next update for this mod will have it, I suppose I was too focused on the Revamp compatibility.
Also, it’s a default issue from the game, not on your side.
For the color customizable version, when transformed, the fur is treated as hair, which allows the transformed colors, reverting to base also reverts the fur color to match base hair color.
Is there a chance you could make a version of the outfit that is only the body fur? No eyes or tail, just the chest. I’d really appreciate it.
The bust and transformation skill causes infinite load screen. my other mods work fine, Does this require lazybones mod?
I would like to combine this mod with this mod: The best I’ve been able to do is get the outfit working when I transform, but despite my best efforts trying to link the data for Super Saiyan 4 hair and face parts with the transformation, even editing the text in the costume creator to attempt to reference them; It just uses the default transformation stuff that was in skill creator.
Excuse me! How do you create these built in mods? How do i edit these? theres a skill i would like to make Gaurd + Light. is it simple?
is there any chance for animation version the transformation is so cool yet so lifeless without animation it doesnt have to be something massive
Any chance we’ll get something like this using the super vegeta 4 ID? Been looking into having two of my cac have different hairs in ssj4 like Goku and Vegeta.
the tail is stiff in battle.
Right, you’ll need a tail compatible moveset to animate the tail.
I suppose I should rephrase the description to emphasize to the user they’ll need a tail compatible moveset (if they surprisingly don’t already have one)
Ignore my previous comment, redownload this, and the tail will animate even if you don’t have a custom moveset mod installed.
-1.1 Works with vanilla moveset, if no other custom moveset is installed.
Great job, I like a animation but oh well…
It seems the transformation deletes parts of some gloves, I was using Android’s 18 gloves and it change quite a bit
I see, some models won’t be compatible with the wrist fur, most are compatible though.
There’s just a few that change the model, unfortunately.
Though if ya want, I could guide you how to have the ring on the glove not be removed.
Make a post in The Citadel, feel free to ping me.