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Super Saiyan All Rework (BE+New transformation) (Crested Hair Style) (Lazybones Based)


I finally did it!

This is my First ever mod so please dont be hard and give it a try :D / I'm a spanish speaker so sorry for my english

This is NOT just a rework of lazybones transformation (well.. yes, it is). You will find all the information about installing and changes in the txt files in the .rar file.

I know this is kind "Basic" mod and doesn't need all of this text/instructions, but i do it for the new people and a propper usage with your daily gameplay no matter what you want to have installed.

It's basic, but i do it with love xD, You will find :

  • "Control Transformation System"
  • Lazybones Hair Id's/New Hair Id's
  • Crested Style by Default
  • Replace Vanilla Hair #17 for Tapion's Hair
  • Hair improvements
  • Eye improvements
  • New "After ultra instict" Transformation <<Sj1-2-3-G-B-Bk10-BE-Ui-Mui-LEUI(Legendary Evolved Ultra Instict)>> Name in progress xD
  • The New transformation is not a new animation, i want to be clear with that (Working on merging other animation).
  • It's supose to be the next stage rached by my character after Mui, so it has <<Auto dodge and Super Guard>>

After all these years playing xenoverse i felt like vegeta... just allways transforming in something that any other sayian rached before, that's why i always wanted my own transformation, and i really like those times when a villan transform into something new and goku didn't do anything with his hits, that's why i add the super guard. I know that out there are a lot of mods with amazing transformations, but i have my own story about my character that merges at the actuall end of the tv show of Dragon ball Super, that's why i don´t think on "skins" like super saiyan 4-5 etc. I cant ignore that in this moment every saiyan is having his own transformation on manga (Goku-Ui/Vegeta-UEgo/Gohan-Bm), so i decided that finally the transformation of my character coud be real based in his story (Read the "About story".txt).

The transformation was originally created to use with the shakaro's auras, if you wont, the last stage can have a really simplistic aura, but you will continue having the eyes, hair texture, stats, auto dodge and super guard! just search an aura that you like and replace in skill creator if you want a most powerfull looking.

  • If you alredy have lazybones and Shakaro's Overhaul 2.0 You are good to go.
  • There are "optional auras", "needed auras", read about it in "INSTALLME" and "About Auras" .txt file.
  • You have to download the auras each, links on Credits and .txt files in the mod.
  • If you decide to use Shakaro's Overhaul 2.0, some effects in Sjj1,2,3 will not be the same as you see in the Video/pictures.
  • If you don't know how "Control transformation system" works, read Lazybones .txt files.



Tryzic for the Tapion/Dragon tailed hair:

  • Tapion Hair:
  • Dragon Tail Hair (LEui):

Pathos for the Sj3 Hair:

  • Sj3 Hair:

Your Lord Adam for the Better eyes types for lazybones:

  • Better eye types for lazybones transformation Pack By Your Lord Adam:

Zesh for the Satoko Looper eyes:

  • Satoko Looper Eyes By Zesh:



Lazybones for the New Transfomations pack:

  • New Transformations By Lazybones:

Shakaro for the Auras:

  • SjjG Aura By Shakaro:
  • SjjB Aura By Shakaro:
  • SjjBk + BE Aura By Shakaro:
  • LEui Aura By Shakaro:

KorpseKing for the Sj Auras:

  • Sjj1-2-3 Auras By KorpseKing:



Some Youtubers that bring me to the knowdege with their tutorials :)



Other Things

I will update this transformation with some changes, if you want to know more, there is a "About things to do".txt file in the folder, there you can find the things i want to add/change for this. For now, i'm learning, and i want to use one of the animations from this mod <<>> for the last stage of this transformation without crashing the "untransform" system, the problem it's that i'm really confussed in how to merge those animations on the lazybones animation files/folder, if you read this and do you know/want to help me, i'll be really gratefull with you :).

-If you want to use anything on this mod that was created by me on your own mod, you're good to go, just include the permissions/credits on the description of the mod.

-If you want to use assets/auras/hairs, etc that was not created by me in this mod, you have to talk with the speciffic creator of the "thing".


Thanks for reading, hope enjoy.


---------The Skills seen in the Video/Pictures are not included in the mod and i dont have the links-----------

-----The end-----

INSTALLME in the folter


  • You will find all the Changes in the txt files on the folder.
  • You will find all the "To do" things in the txt files on the folder.
  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
8.32 MB
August 9, 2022


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      1. hey im trying to find the location of the folder but cant find it. i searched all through the data folder but no luck
        yeah. read the instructions on how to replace and tbh im not sure im understanding correctly. im getting that i need to remove all files for hair that arent hum.emb.dyt?
        if so that is alot of files just for the 1 transformation thats y im scepticle. if u could help me out and clarify id appriciate it.

    1. xD yes, i’m a MGS fan, but, i didn’t know that grey fox was called null and have originally white hair, i learn that before i create my dbx character, in Xenoverse 1 i had a female saiyan called “Neill” an she also have the white hair, when i create “null” at the first time he supose to be the brother of Neill, that’s why the white hair…. now, he have the white hair because he have a little bit of Angel blood.

  1. This looks great! I have to ask though how did you get the transformations to change eye style? I noticed for Lazybones’ Super Saiyan God transformation doesn’t change the eyes to one with pupils but just changes the colour.

    1. hey thks, well, if you go to your “data” folder, you’ll find a “HUM_xxx_Face_eye” file, if you unpack the file with the embpack tool, you’ll see a PNG file with the eye design, there you can change whatever you want if you know how to use tools like photoshop or, this kind of eyes are imposible to change color with the skill creator tool, the color of the eye will be the color that you edit in the PNG (at least i think that this works like that). you have to be carefully with this kind of edit, if you make something little wrong, you character coud look like “cross-eyed” o dont have any eye design just white eyes (like broly)

    1. Hey! Is just to show you that you can transform and untransform in any stage you want, there are not special keys, it uses only transf + dodge/light atack/heavy atack/ki atack and the guard for untransform.

      You cant go ssbkk or further directly, it works like in two sections, From Base to SsB, and From SsB to LEUi

  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
8.32 MB
August 9, 2022

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