Super Saiyan Blue Ascended

*Hey! This is my first mod in around a year, and would also only be the second one i've ever made. So please bear with me if it has bugs and it would be extremely helpful if you could point them out in the comments as well*
Includes Super Saiyan Blue and Ascended Super Saiyan Blue
This is Ascended Super Saiyan Blue. I've made it more similar to the Ascended Super Saiyan we saw in the original DBZ, rather than SSB Evolution. At the moment i'm using the Mastered U.I aura as i'm unaware on how to create my own, but it still looks really nice. Mostly everything else is explained in the README.txt
I'd also like to give credit to Malias and his mod of Ultra Super Saiyan (""), I looked about his mod and was able to figure out how the whole bone structure thing worked. It makes this mod so much better in my opinion, so thanks.
Thanks for reading, and hopefully you enjoy this mod.
Use eternity's mods (XV2Patcher & XV2Invs)
Then read the "ReadMe.txt"