Super Saiyan Blue (CAC)

A basic transformation mod that has two stages, it will only change your eye and hair colour, no extra files required. Also, this mod's Super Saiyan Blue actually makes your eyes blue unlike the original game's, and there is no ki drain.
Because it is a custom transformation, it won't work with some super souls, which is why there is an optional, custom super soul provided along with the mod.
Information regarding to the forms are provided in a notepad file in the mod.
Everything should appear in the shop.
Note: First and probably last mod, I won't be updating this because I don't see the need to make any further adjustments.
Known Issues:
First stage's animation is slightly bugged in terms of character's position.
Won't work with some super souls as mentioned above.
Although the second stage requires 5 ki bars, having 4 ki bars will show the name of the form. Don't try to transform, you'll go out of your form instead.
If you're using the custom super soul, it won't be compatible with any mods that changes the "talisman_item.idb" file.
Use the latest xv2ins and xv2patcher by Eternity.
1.0 - Released