Super Saiyan Blue for Males and Females

As you requested, here's a Super Saiyan Blue mod for both males and females. I know there's already a male version on this site, so please support that modder (I believe it was Tryzick) because those mods are amazing. Mainly I created this mod so there was an option for female saiyans to go Blue.
Now for the actual contents of this mod. This includes two options for your aura file, one that replaces Super Saiyans 1-3 with SSB aura used by Goku and Vegeta, and another that uses SSB for SSJ1 and SSJ2 and Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken for SSJ3. All of the female and male hairstyles (and beards, sans Roshi beard) have been edited to transform to the appropriate color, though the glow effects from the game's base vfx file tints it a lighter shade. If you would like to see more mods like this, feel free to suggest things in the comments.
Just add the files to your data folder if using the patcher method. If using the unpacking/packing tool, add files to data2 then repack. Remember to pick only one aura file. Your choice of aura goes in the systems folder.
1.0 Release