Super Saiyan Evolution

This is my first major mod that I put together using Lazybone's Transformations as a base and Dragneel's Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker mod as an inspiration and the file numbers for the hair and SSJ4 look, it goes through the Super Saiyan stages from 1, 2, 3, God, Blue, Mastered Blue, 4, 4 Limit Breaker.
The Perfected Blue aura was made by DBXenoverse 2 Expanded, the Super Saiyan 1-4 auras by Deez Mods Only, God aura by Shakaros, Blue aura by Deez Mods Only, Limit Breaker aura by Shakaros. All credits to the ones who made these auras.
Just use the x2m mod installer.
Follow the READ ME instructions to avoid the Infinite Loading issue.
After installing the Manual Install Data, find and apply the hair mod packs that you wish to use as the Manual Install includes hair files that I used for my male Saiyan.
Included data to manually install to avoid Infinite Loading and get around the bugs caused by the Dragneel mod.
Added Female Saiyan compatibility and aura id changes to work with newer game versions.
This doesn’t work.
Does not work
doesnt work ofc
el mod ya no funciona
i dont even have the ssj4 transformation?
Hey, just wondering what the hair ID for the Limit Breaker form is? I want to swap it with another one I have saved for my character.
i downloaded the mod, and i installed the hair into the correct folder,
but I can’t find the awoken skill in my inventory/skill shop.
nevermind, got the mod working, but how do i stop the eyes from changing?
My dude can you send me that super saiyan 3 model but for females?
this inf loads me for some reason
I figured out the issue. I while be releasing an update with a manual fix soon.
Whenever I try to fight with the skill equipped, I get the infinite loading screen. It only every happens with the skill, so its not because of too many mods.
Do you have Lazybone’s Transformation, Revamp both main and Mystery Pack 1, and Dragneel’s Limit Breaker mod? I don’t know if you need the Dragneel one but try it to see if it helps.
when i put the mod in xv2ins its giving me an error sayin bool_cdecl x2mfile:installcustomepartssets overflow, and cannot assign suitables partseids do u know why?
That is a new one to me. How many mods do you have installed? It could be that you have too many if it says overflow.
Bro ssj ssj2 hum297 298 Can you do it with the base? please 🙂
What do you mean? Are the hair id numbers not working?
WOW!!! hey Legend, are you taking requests?
if so, well, could you please try a SSJ1,SSJ2,SSJ3,SSJGOD,SSJBLUE EVOLVED, LEGENDARY SSJ, ROSÉ, MUI ???
pretty pretty please?
you just made a great combination. Congratz…i realLy do wish to have your talent but…well.
pretty, pretty please? thanks for your consideration. XD
I don’t know how to make a Legendary Super Saiyan transformation but I’ll see what I can find.
thanks a LOT Legend!! XD
It will be ten stages so it is going to take awhile. Do you have any ideas for what you want it to be named?
Dear SaiyanLegend37, first, i wish to thank you for get yourself interested in my request. Xd thank you so much!!!
and second i guess i gave wrong marks on my request. got too cariied away in the request and misplaced the order. sorry. the correct order that i was in my mind was:
ssj1,ssj2,ssj3,ssjGOD,Blue Evolved,Rosé, Legendary ssj, MUI. ( after ssjGOD, i like only the most power versions of blue,rosé and UI. XD)
and please you may call whatever you whant to fit your creation, but if sugestions are opened, name it Dehria Saiyan.
its my char name on Xenoverse 2. its a female saiyan. and on my thoughts, female saiyan goes from ssj3 to god. I dont see female saiyans as an ssj4. its too manlly,masculine and manfull to suit girls. but i really do love the legendary aspects of a saiyan girl.
thanks for hearing me out. and i do wish the best for you and your creations XD.
whats the hair ur using?
The Super Saiyan 1 and Blue hair is by Tryzicks, the rest I just kind of found while looking through hair pack mods.