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Super Saiyan Fury

This is the transformation of Super Saiyan Fury which called LSS (Legendary Super Saiyan) in the DBZ movie

The Super Saiyan Fury has 2 type of transformations

one is changes hair and eye each stages

the other is changes hair and eye, outfits each stages

you can change hair or outfits of transformation what you want by replacing files

Transformation stage's number is included



Thank you for making tool by eternity, LazyBone, Olganix, Yuuki

without the tools, I wouldn't even try to think making a mod

Thank you for the mod resource by lazybone (

Dexio (

Pride Troopers team (

Inbetweengamer (

- Installation -

First, run LB Mod Installer (the Installer require .Net Framework v4.6.2 or higher)

Second, Install x2m file what you want with eternity's XV2Ins.exe


- Initial version release


- changed ki charge effect for SSF1 and SSF2 

- changed hair and outfits as you can see on the youtube link


- removed SSJ3 style

- changed to SSF 1 - Ultra SSF - SSF 2 - SSF God

- changed each stage of transformation's appearance

- USSF has no pupils and increase body scale as 150%

- SSF2 go back to normal body scale

- edited character animation and camera of 3rd stage of SSF

- from USSF and above stages change eye of the character 

  • 2Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
14.38 MB
Credit given to modders
March 15, 2021


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  1. Bumping the issue on the fourth form; UI aura & eyes kinda ruin’s the Legendary look. + I don’t know if it’s possible but making the SYF bigger on form 2 could be cool.

    Super cool mod otherwise

  2. This mod is pretty good but for some reason my tail (i have Yet Another Transformable Tail mod installed) when i trasnform is gold instead of green and the stage four of the transformation have ultra instinct aura which makes no sense, is there any way to fix this? Because if there is not i will probably uninstall the mod cuz these two bugs are very annoying

  3. The animation is good, love it very much
    But one thing is bugging me when I transform everytime, which is the eyebrows and beard won’t follow the hair color when transforming.
    Is there any way to fix it? Thank you

  • 2Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
14.38 MB
Credit given to modders
March 15, 2021

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