Super Saiyan Power Goku
Super Saiyan Power Goku
This is a mod that puts Super Saiyan Power Goku in XV2. "What is Super Saiyan Power in the first place? I bet it's some shitty fan form." Well guess what, it's not! It's actually a form from the episode "Warriors of the Dead" It was in the filler however, with Pikkon and all of the of otherworld fighters. Anyways Super Saiyan Power is the transformation Goku used when battling the Ginyu Force and Cell. It was Super Saiyan when the episode was being made, however they had to make it to where Pikkon didn't see Super Saiyan, so they made the hair black. The aura was going to be normal, however it was too late to reanimate the scene, so they had to keep it. Also GT Goku used it in GT when the fight against Frieza and Cell in Hell, and briefly during the battle with Naturon Shenron.
Like most mods, just use X2M.
Version 1.0 - Release
Version 1.3 - Added GT Goku