SuperSaiyanEggman’s Nude Mod (NSFW!!!)
Nude mod of every female officially released in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1, except for Pan and Supreme Kai of Time/Chronoa, the latter instead has a topless mod and the former is like 10, come on guys. So this mod pack comes with Saiyan/Human female with big and small bust, Android 18, Videl (Includes Great Saiyaman 2), Towa, Majin Female (Small bust only, sorry!), and topless Supreme Kai of Time/Chronoa.
Mod compiled by me with busts and pants requested/commissioned from HeirTalent, and Towa nude from Draconis, with full permission.
If you don't know how to install these, look it up. It should be well-documented by now.
reminder, the videl in xenoverse is a minor
reminder, the videl in xenoverse is a 3D model on a videogame based on a fictional show, want to give lectures go to twitter
dude omfg go get some bitches istg
i aint never thought abt this man… i feel gross dog
You mentioned that there’s a topless mod for Chronoa but I can’t seem to find it. Could you at least tell me who made it or something to help?
Please update this. The textures fuck up and makes it white.
It’s been a while and I still don’t know how to put on the mod, someone who explains?
download a mod manger for xenoverse
this is a good mod and all, but where are all of the men??
it will not let me down load it ?
For some reason, its just neon white? Any Fixes?
Hello cannot download mod since dropbox isn’t allowing me to download the file.
if u updated it what would u do more for the mod?
and if u need help u can teach me then ill help u
it will be a pleasure for mee
can u make another detailed one and make it for every female character in the game?
yall sum fuckin weridos frfr
and instead of replacing the characters, how do you create new slots for the mod or new styles?
what happens if I move all files from HUF small to the game’s HUF folder?
UPDATE: my preavious comment is wrong. I don’t know why, but now everything works except for chronoa. Don’t ask me why, I haven’t changed a thing. You can use everything with retexturing mods without any issue, just make sure to overwrite everything you already have with this mod files, or it won’t work, exaclty as any other mod.
Do i put the HUF under the Majin female file?
No. You should choose one of the 2 HUF folders that you have and delete everything except HUF from that folder name. Then go to \data\chara and put there HUF. The folder you choose will be merged with the one you already have.
why tf is this in ur dropbox
For anyone who is wondering: Android 18 and Videl work for DBXV2 if you aren’t using any shading/textures modifing mod or revamp. Chronoa doesn’t work and Towa works only in the selection menu. I don’t understant why. I’ve not tested HUF and MAF files.
would love to have this mod to be updated but also would love a fix towards the skin tone so the body doesn’t look out of place.
was is upposed to add it all to huf?
Need to discuss permissions with you if you dont mind I with some assistance have created an update to the CAC parts of this but dont want to release it unless you greenlight the use of the MAF assets
how about new update