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Survival Part 1

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Survival is a quest created by Whis for potential destroyers to better prepare them for their future duty.

On a more technical level, Survival is a challenge quest with fixed stats where you start with barely any power and have to collect buffs in order to be able to win within the given time.

There is a built-in tutorial you should play to better understand all the mechanics.

Other than that, this mod contains:

- 10 quest-exclusive skills (most of which are used only to make Player choices)

- 7 fully playable characters

- A few Player choices


Thank you for taking a look and I hope you'll have fun!

Thank you to all the friendly people on Discord and all the tutorial and tools authors/creators.



- fixed chain kill notification


- finished the quest

- reworked, fixed aspects of the quest

- added more sub-mods


- Added Bonus Play - If you have finished the quest before, you can now choose to start with boosted stats (ONLY if you skip the tutorial)

- Reworked the tutorial which now also contains more useful info

- Changed Chain-Kill time window from 5 seconds to 20 seconds (30s with Mega Ribs) for groups with 3 enemies

- Doubled Chain-Kill bonus from a group with 3 enemies

- When starting Ultimate Finish, the quest is now considered to be complete (losing at this point will no longer trigger quest fail)

- Changed Nail to be only a single, unreviving enemy

- Changed second challenge battle: enemies are less tanky, but the initial "+5 minutes remaining time boost" was removed

- Change to stats will now show the resulting effect in % where applicable

- Pan Pride Trooper now included

- Added character portraits to Caulifla, Kale, Pride Trooper Pan, Zamasu Carrier, Goku Black Carrier, Kakunsa, Roasie

- Zamasu gifts fixed in "characters talk less seriously" event

- Added Justice Kick (Pan) and Justice Blade (Pan) as quest rewards

- Added "Caulifla Carrier" accessory as a quest reward

- Added "Pan Pride Trooper" clothes as a quest reward

  • 31Mods
  • 28Followers

File size
53.72 MB
January 19, 2024


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  1. Just Finshed It a few times real fun after you beat it once, Blown away with how many choices you’d added, playing as bosses was cool, tho was funny I’d had Half Corrupted Zamasu as an Allie while Goku Black and Zamasu were giving me the speech to accept thier gifts, Few more HP Saibamen be nice as first time around you are pretty nerfed with 1 bar of stm and hp as Gohan and Goten really like spamming ULTS together, Bardock also really loves to spam that Super Ki Explosion made me use my modded grab skills to stop him as his ki recovers really quickly. Fighting my other cac was fun besides that pretty awesome quest.

    1. Thank you & I am happy you had fun 🙂

      I’d also like to include more Saibamen but sadly the game engine cannot handle it and adding more caused some enemies to become idle. I could look into removing some characters without which the quest could still work fine and then replace them with some more Saibamen, but I dunno how realistic that is. Sadly even the quest itself actually lacks its final boss fight because it just didn’t fit in :(. Also you start of with 2 stamina bars, not one x)

      As per Gohan and Goten – Goten will attack you if you focus on Gohan, but Gohan won’t attack you if you focus on Goten. There are a few more enemy groups that work in this way, including Bardock, who is just set to spam his ultimate over and over and has passive Ki regen. However that is also exploitable as Mira will leave you alone while you focus on Bardock and Bardock will laways close in before using his Ult, meaning you can stamina-break him over and over if you time it well. However if you make a mistake, you get punished heavily for it 🙂

  2. My only complaint is Sibamen spawn WAY too Infrequently, If you’re supposed to collect buffs to be able to win I had a run where I got to Dyspo and Pan with only 1 Sibamiem Spawn and that’s just cause I used an Infinite combo, sibamin need to spawn faster and also be easier to get cause while they are a 1 shot, Sometimes you can’t even get to them cause the double CPU’s just body you with attacks while you’re locked onto the sibamien

      1. I have actually wanted to include more of them but the quest is simply at capacity. Spawning even one more caused glitches to start occuring (you can test this yourself by copying one qmlchar entry and then starting the quest). Speaking of, originally the quest was supposed to be a lot longer, with it currently being stopped at about the mid point, but alas the same issue presented itself.

        As per hitting the Saibas, it is easiest to just burst dash into them. As per the COMs stopping you, that’s kinda the point and part of it being a challenge quest.

        Other than that there is nearly 1 Saiba per battle, so they are plentiful enough. However they spawn stealthily and are programmed to run away from you, so that might be why you had trouble collecting them. Them never despawning would make the challenge a cake-walk, which is exactly what I didn’t want happening.

        All this being said, it is true that a run can go smoother or harder based on rng as well, seeing as some buffs are divided between “50% chance to increase Ki capacity or 50% chance Stamina capicity”.

        From personal experience my success rate is about 90%, so it is very likely once you get used to how the quest works, you will have a lot easier time beating it.

  • 31Mods
  • 28Followers

File size
53.72 MB
January 19, 2024

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