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The Heroic Skills Pack

Introducing the first XenoHeroes Skill Pack: THE HEROIC SKILL PACK

10 New Skills that take regular vanilla Skills and breath new life into them with new colours, effects and other small edits.

And they each come with a Character with the Skills built in. (And some extra adjustments here and there to help spice things up)

Here's what the Pack features:

  • SUPER - Final Flash (Super) - SSGSS Evolved Vegeta's Final Flash but with a BAC file edit that enables the Final Flash voice file to work with it.
  • SUPER - Burst Final Flash - Revenge Final Flash with a Yellow retexture and a edit to the BAC that's similar to Final Flash (Super)'s.
  • SUPER - Burst Kaioken Kamehameha - Burst Kamehameha but now the second input gives the user the Kaioken Aura. It also added the Kaioken Sound effect too.
  • SUPER - Savage God Fist - Savage Strike but with a colour pallet akin to Super God Fist.
  • SUPER - Rising Rage - Broly (Restrained)'s signature charge skill now available for CACs. And with 12 different variations to choose from.
  • ULTIMATE - Revenge Ultra Final Flash - The Final Flash recolour to emulate Baby's Revenge Final Flash.
  • ULTIMATE - Core Breaker (MK.I) - Gamma 2's Core Breaker but for Gamma 1.
  • ULTIMATE - Super Gamma Blast (MK.II) - Gamma 1's Super Gamma Blast but for Gamma 2. (Complete with his signature Blaster)
  • ULTIMATE - Solar Kamehameha - The Perfect Kamehameha but with a Green hue inspired by DBZ: Kakarot and Super Saiyan 1 & 2 Auras on the charge up that were inspired by DBFighterZ.
  • ULTIMATE - Final Rampage (Blue) - The Final Rampage with fierce Blue blows and a Yellow Final Flash.

And with those Skills (except for Rising Rage. That's a CAC exclusive), you get X2Ms of:

  • SSGSS Vegeta
  • Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta (GT)
  • Super Saiyan God Goku
  • SSGSS Goku
  • Super Baby Vegeta 2
  • Perfect Cell (Full Power)
  • Gamma 1
  • Gamma 2

And here's an extra sweetener, if you want to use these Skills in your Mods, you're absolutely more than welcome to. You have my permission. All I ask is that you credit me, and anyone else who made the skills.

Speaking of which, a MASSIVE SPECIAL THANKS to ContonMods (Jenik) & Shakaro for their assistance with certain skills. I've included a SPECIAL THANKS text document that labels there specific involvements.

I hope you guys enjoy these Skills.

Everything can simply be installed via XV2INS.

1.0 Initial Release

1.1 Colour Corrections - Corrected the colours on Rising Rage (Pink, Golden, Orange, Blue & Royal Blue)

  • 18Mods
  • 46Followers

File size
37.58 MB
Credit given to modders
Jenik (ContonMods), Shakaro
September 8, 2024


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  1. hello mitchell, thanks for this. i just have a question regarding Core Breaker skill, how can we make the rush go forward toward a targeted opponent instead of the vanilla move with forced diagonal down to the ground?? i’m just confused because changing some BAC movement didn’t do much thing..

    1. I honestly have no idea. Sorry.

      I never tampered with the movement. All I did was make the colour and Jenik (ContonMods) sorted out the Face animations for Gamma 1.
      As far as I’m aware, the Skill is the same as the vanilla one.

  • 18Mods
  • 46Followers

File size
37.58 MB
Credit given to modders
Jenik (ContonMods), Shakaro
September 8, 2024

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