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The Kazotsky Kick

Dance like the KGB isn't watching!

Here you go! The Kazotsky Kick with a different dance for each race!

This skill works like a grab. I.E. you need to BE LOCKED ON TO THE TARGET IF YOU WANNA MAKE 'EM DANCE! could just dance by yourself. But why would you? Everyone in this game wants to dance! Don't believe me? Just start dancing and I guarantee you they will dash straight towards you so they can join in! Works 9/10 times!

Also, feel free to move while you're dancing. There's no stage in this game, might as well dance all over the Xenoverse :P And if you want to stop dancing at any point, just press block or boost dash.

Finally, here's the list with each character:

Male Human - Demoman

Female Human - Medic

Male Saiyan - Heavy

Female Saiyan - Sniper

Namekian - Engineer

Male Majin - Pyro

Female Majin - Scout

Frieza/Frost demon/That guy with a tail and no genitalia - Spy

PHEW! That's it! Credit goes to Valve for the audio and the original animation. As always, no theft or copyright infringement intended.

Enjoy and have a fantastic day!




1.0 - This

  • 23Mods
  • 82Followers

File size
14.79 MB
October 27, 2021


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  1. This mod’s given me some of the best laughs I’ve had all month! Probably for the wrong reasons, though.
    When an enemy hits me while I’m doing the dance, instead of copying me, they start spasming in the air and ‘ascend’ as if it were a Second Coming.
    Loving the mod, but is there any fix to this; conflictions I should know about?

    1. “When an enemy hits me while I’m doing the dance, instead of copying me, they start spasming in the air and ‘ascend’ as if it were a Second Coming.” I would love to have this happen to me, I wanna just die of laughter from watching this, my OC, already ragdolls on another dance mod that was removed, and i was hilarious

  2. Been seeing some issues on this thread.

    Let me be clear: *sometimes* false positive viruses happen. They’ve happened a few times here, I can count the number of times they’ve happened on one hand. This is a case of a false positive. If you are recieving some sort of message claiming that this mod is a virus, it simply isn’t.

    If you ever are concerned about such things, you can try using to check the validity of files. Asking in the comments about such things is fine, but if other folks are showing you proof about the mod NOT being a virus, you should probably take their word for it. Or you should consider whether or not you might have a virus originating from another place on your system.

  3. is it just me or is everyone getting this virus notification on some recent mods
    that was the case for me but all of a sudden it worked
    and now people are sayin this mod has the same issue
    wonder whats goin on

    1. Most mods shouldn’t mess with each other, some uploaders will even say in the desc if it causes an issue with another mod, and some will even patch it so that issue no longer occurs.

      If a mod does break your game, be sure to leave it in the comments with step by step actions that led to the issue, and the uploader can work on a patch to fix said issue.

      1. Not scared, you’re ignorance is just irritating so I’m not gonna waste my time on a platform that most millennials don’t even use.

        So don’t try to act like a bigshot in the comments just because I won’t add you on facebook.

    1. You call me a troll, yet you made multiple posts on this comment section. Here’s an idea, maybe use that brain of yours and think that maybe you don’t know everything. Nice god complex, though. Anything else?

      1. “You call me a troll, yet you made multiple posts on this comment section. Here’s an idea, maybe use that brain of yours and think that maybe you don’t know everything. Nice god complex, though. Anything else?”

        God complex? No
        Know everything? Also no

        I just know more than you about modding, you just keep claiming shit that isn’t true, and even though some people have given you the answer to fixing it, you’ve ignored them like a child throwing a fit, so how about next time, cut the shit, and if you can’t use it, then leave it alone, instead of attacking people.

        Yes I called you on BS, cuz people said it’s most likely a false positive, but you keep claiming it’s a virus.

        1. Windows doesn’t work like that it won’t specifically say it has a virus and can’t be deleted, it’d give a specific error, asking for admin privilege, or something of the sort, the os wouldn’t tell you “because it’s a virus, we can’t delete it”

          Edit: I can also delete it freely, and I turned my anti-virus software and windows defender off COMPLETELY, and it gave me ABSOLUTELY NO ISSUES.

  • 23Mods
  • 82Followers

File size
14.79 MB
October 27, 2021

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