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The Ultra Awakening Pack

Here he comes. Awaken the true power of Ultra Instinct with this Special Goku Day Modpack.

This pack features:

- 1 New Character: Goku (Ultra Instinct Sign/Ultra Instinct) - He can transform into his mastered form using the base game Ultra Instinct Awoken Skill. And he comes in two versions. One with a Vanilla Skillset, one with a Modded Skillset, mainly comprised of Skills by Unleashed. - 1 New Ultimate Skill: Supreme Kamehameha

- A Ultimate Version of Divine Kamehameha created by Kaito Kidd!! Works just like the Super and hits even harder. - XV Redub - Ultra Instinct Goku - Goku has a new voice that uses lines from Dragon Ball Legends. There are also files you can import that'll apply the voice to the vanilla Ultra Instinct Sign & Ultra Instinct Goku.

- A Challenging Parallel Quest by XenoTrunks - The Ultra Awakening - Take on Ultra Instinct Goku is all his majesty. Do you have what it takes to beat the full power of Ultra Instinct?

Other features:

- This Goku's Models will change if you have a Mod that replaces the vanilla Ultra Instinct Sign & Ultra Instinct Goku models. (Such as Revamp for example) - Goku uses the same Ki-Blasts as the Ultra Instinct Awoken Skill.

- Goku's Moveset also changes with the Transformation.

- Supreme Kamehameha is also available for CACs.


Mitchell4TheWin - Director, Planning, Commissioner, Banner & Video Editor, New Voice & XV Redub Pack

ContonMods - Awoken Skill, Transforming Moveset, BCS Management

Kaito Kidd!! - Supreme Kamehameha

Unleashed - Open Permissions to use his Skills.

XenoTrunks - Parallel Quest Creator

Character - Install one of the X2Ms via XV2INS. If you install the Modded one, install the Silver Dragon Flash CMN first.

Skills - Install the X2Ms via XV2INS. If you installed the Modded Ultra Instinct Goku, the Skills will be automatically added.

Redub - Copy the Data Files and paste them in the Game's Root Folder. (There are some documents with more detailed instructions if you need them.

Quest - Install the X2M

1.0 Initial Release

  • 18Mods
  • 45Followers

File size
58.90 MB
Credit given to modders
ContonMods, Unleashed, KaitoKidd!!, XenoTrunks
May 9, 2024


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Sort by:
  • 18Mods
  • 45Followers

File size
58.90 MB
Credit given to modders
ContonMods, Unleashed, KaitoKidd!!, XenoTrunks
May 9, 2024

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